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"Kylie, why are you still married to her again?" my mom, Kris Jenner, asks me with a disapproving look.

It's a question I often ask myself. Why am I still married to Jordan Jones? She barely has anything to offer, at least not in the way my family measures worth. When I first met her, she was working as a waitress in New York, struggling to make ends meet. My family never took to her, not then and certainly not now.

Jordan is intersex, meaning she has male genitalia, something my family can't seem to accept. Add to that her financial status—or lack thereof—and it's a recipe for perpetual tension. Jordan is extremely poor by their standards. She stays home all day, taking care of our children, Stormi and Aire. Stormi is five years old now, and Aire is just three months. Despite my family's opinions, I'm grateful to Jordan for being a devoted mother to our kids. We decided not to hire a nanny because Jordan is always there, 24/7, providing the love and care our children need.

Yet, even with all these practical reasons, I can't deny the complexity of my feelings. On the one hand, I appreciate Jordan's unwavering dedication to our family, her ability to create a warm and nurturing environment for our children. On the other hand, there's the constant strain from my family's disapproval and the societal pressures that come with our unconventional marriage.

It's not an easy situation to navigate, and sometimes, I wonder if love alone is enough to sustain us through the storm. But for now, Jordan's presence in our children's lives and the stability she provides outweigh the doubts and criticisms.

"Mum, you know I love Jordan," I say, setting my magazine aside. "Besides, she's great with the kids."

My mum, Kris Jenner, shakes her head slightly, her expression a mix of concern and frustration. "Now, honey, I know that. But look at all your sisters' boyfriends—they have something going for them, and they have money. Your wife barely has a penny to her name."

I sigh, feeling the familiar weight of this argument settle over me. "Mum, it's not always about money. Jordan is amazing with Stormi and Aire. She's the one who's always there for them, making sure they feel loved and safe. Isn't that worth something?"

Kris purses her lips, clearly unconvinced. "Of course, it's important, Kylie. But you have to think about your future. About stability. What happens if things go south? How will she support you and the kids?"

I run a hand through my hair, trying to keep my cool. "We've managed just fine so far. Jordan may not have a lot of money, but she has a lot of heart. And that's something you can't put a price on."

"I just want you to be happy and secure," Mum says, her tone softening. "I want the best for you."

"I know, Mum. And I appreciate that. But right now, the best thing for me and the kids is having Jordan in our lives."

"Kylie," I shake my head at my mother signaling I am done with this conversation, its always like this for her telling me to leave the woman I have been married to for almost six years as if it is something easy, I love Jordan isn't that not enough? I'm happy with her she makes me feel like a normal person.

I stand on my doorstep and I see that Jordan is cuddled up with our kids this makes me smile Stormi is hugging her dear mama for life while baby Aire is on her chubby chest, these three are my world and I just wished that my family could see that. I don't need more money when I know for a fact that I am a billionaire, the whispers of the public don't affect me at all.

I quietly slip into bed next to them, careful not to wake anyone. As I lie there, surrounded by the people I love most in the world, I realize that despite all the doubts and criticisms, this is where I belong. This is my family, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

"Hey," I hear Jordan whisper, and I smile, my eyes opening wide as I look at her. I reach out and caress her chubby cheeks, planting a soft kiss on them. She blushes, and I love how shy she still gets with me after all these years.

"Your mum left, and I made us some dinner," she says, her voice gentle and warm.

One of the many things I adore about Jordan is her incredible cooking. Despite never having gone to culinary school, she cooks better than any chef I know. Her meals are always filled with love and comfort, something I look forward to every day.

"Thank you, love," I say, feeling a rush of affection. "You always know how to make everything better."

Jordan smiles, her blush deepening, and I can't help but feel grateful for her presence in my life. She may not fit the mold my family envisions for me, but she is everything I need and more. With her, I feel at home.

I get up from the bed, careful not to disturb Stormi and Aire, who are still sleeping peacefully. Jordan follows me into the kitchen, where the aroma of a delicious meal fills the air. The table is set, and there's a sense of calm and warmth in the room.

We sit down together, and I take a moment to appreciate the spread before us. Jordan has prepared one of my favorite dishes, and I can't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for her.

"This looks amazing, Jordan," I say, taking her hand in mine. "You always know how to make me feel better."

She smiles, that familiar shyness in her eyes. "I'm glad you like it. I just want you to be happy."

We start eating, and the food is, as always, incredible. Each bite is a reminder of the love and care Jordan puts into everything she does for our family. As we eat, we talk about our day, share little anecdotes, and laugh together.

After dinner, we clean up together, enjoying the simple domesticity of the moment. Once everything is put away, we return to the bedroom, where our children are still sound asleep. We quietly slip into bed, Jordan cuddling up next to me.

"I love you, Jordan," I whisper, holding her close.

"I love you too, Kylie," she replies softly.

As we lie there, I feel a deep sense of contentment. Despite the challenges and the disapproval from my family, I know I've made the right choice. Jordan's love and dedication are the foundation of our family, and with her by my side, I know we can face anything.

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