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Jordan stood frozen, her heart pounding as she tried to process what was happening. She had just walked out of the bathroom stall, and now Kendall was in front of her, tears streaming down her face, pointing an accusatory finger at her. Jordan's eyes darted between Kendall and the bathroom stall, confusion and fear knotting in her stomach.

"K-Kylie," Jordan stammered, turning her gaze to her wife, who had just walked in on the scene. Her voice wavered as she struggled to find the right words. "This isn't what it looks like..."

But before Jordan could explain, Kendall's sobs grew louder, her voice trembling with emotion. "She tried to do things to me in the stall!" Kendall cried out, her accusation slicing through the air like a blade. The words hung there, heavy and suffocating, and Jordan felt the ground shift beneath her.

Jordan's mind raced. How had things escalated so quickly? They had been arguing, yes, but she had never laid a hand on Kendall. They were family, and despite the tension between them, she would never cross that line. Yet here Kendall was, crumbling into tears and accusing her of something unthinkable.

Kylie's eyes widened in shock, her gaze snapping between her sister and Jordan. The air crackled with tension, and Jordan could see the conflict in Kylie's eyes—the instinct to protect her sister, but also the trust she had once placed in Jordan. That trust now seemed to waver, like a fragile thread on the verge of snapping.

"Kendall, no..." Jordan's voice broke, desperation creeping into her tone. "You know I would never... I didn't do anything!" But Kendall's sobs drowned out her words, her pain and fear palpable.

Kylie took a hesitant step toward her sister, her expression a mix of concern and disbelief. "Kendall, are you sure?" she asked, her voice soft, yet laced with the uncertainty of the moment.

Kendall nodded emphatically, wiping at her tears. "Yes! She cornered me in there... I was just trying to get away..." Her voice cracked with anguish, and she buried her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking with sobs.

Jordan's world seemed to crumble around her. She knew she needed to defend herself, to make Kylie see the truth, but the accusation had already planted a seed of doubt. And as much as she wanted to reach out, to comfort Kendall and reassure Kylie, she felt a chasm opening between them.

"Kylie, please," Jordan implored, her voice thick with emotion. "You know me... You know I would never hurt Kendall, or anyone. This is a misunderstanding..."

But even as she spoke, she could see Kylie's gaze hardening, the weight of the situation pressing down on her. The room seemed to shrink, the walls closing in as the silence stretched out, punctuated only by Kendall's heart-wrenching sobs.

Jordan's heart ached, not just for herself, but for the fracture this would cause. She could see the doubt creeping into Kylie's mind, the fear that maybe she didn't know Jordan as well as she thought. And as the seconds ticked by, the distance between them grew, a rift that Jordan wasn't sure she could ever mend.

Kendall's sobs grew louder, echoing off the bathroom walls, and the accusation in her eyes sharpened as she pointed an unsteady finger at Jordan. "She corned me Kylie! She wouldn't let me leave, she said if I screamed, she would hit me, and she tried to-" Kendall choked on her words the camera crew solely focusing on her, her voice breaking into a fresh wave of tears. "She tried to force herself on me!"

"K-Kylie," Jordan stammered, turning her gaze to her wife, who just looked at her eyes filled with nothing but disgust. Jordan's voice wavered as she she struggled to find the right words. "This isn't...fuck Kylie she's lying. We...she.."

But before Jordan could explain Kendall's sobs grew louder, her voice trembling with emotion. "She tried doing things to me in the stall! She cupped her fand on...my virginal area. I told her to stop seeing you are still married to her and it's fucking wrong. She said," Kendall cried more, "She said its payback for you cheating on her with Travis!" Kendall cried out, her accusation slicing through the air like a blade. The words hung there, heavy and suffocating, and Jordan felt the ground shift beneath her.

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