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"As much as I love the fact that you two are now working things out," Khloe said, walking up to them with a playful grin. "Kylie's birthday is tomorrow, so how about we hit up a local club here in Aruba and have some fun?"

Kylie smirked, shaking her head a little. "Love, you aren't drinking," she said, turning toward Jordan with a firm but loving look before pressing a kiss to her wife's lips. "You know I don't like it when you drink."

Jordan chuckled, brushing a strand of hair behind Kylie's ear. "Okay, okay. No drinking for me," she responded softly, kissing Kylie back with a smile. "Promise."

Khloe rolled her eyes, her arms crossed playfully. "You two are disgustingly cute, you know that?"

Kylie grinned. "What can I say? We're back on track."

"Alright, alright," Khloe said, chuckling as she threw her hands up. "Just be ready for tomorrow. We're celebrating your birthday, and you're not getting out of it!" With that Khloe leaves the married couple alone.

"Since we're celebrating your birthday tomorrow," Jordan said, pulling Kylie closer, her voice low and intimate, "how about I spend the entire night with you tonight? A date on the beach sounds perfect. Let me have you all to myself for one last night before the party madness tomorrow."

Kylie smiled, her eyes softening as she wrapped her arms around Jordan's neck. "Just the two of us?"

"Just us," Jordan whispered, leaning down to brush her lips against Kylie's. "No interruptions, no distractions. Just you and me under the stars."

Kylie sighed happily, the idea of a quiet, romantic night on the beach with Jordan making her heart flutter. "I'd love that," she murmured. "It's exactly what we need."

Jordan smiled, pulling her in for a deeper kiss. "Then it's a date."

"I'll be right back," Jordan said, gently pulling away from Kylie.

Kylie frowned slightly, tilting her head. "Where are you going?"

Jordan smiled, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead. "Well, if we're having a date on the beach, someone's gotta set it up, right?"

Kylie's expression softened, and she nodded, watching as Jordan left the resort room. Once Jordan was outside and away from sight, she pulled out her phone and hesitated for a moment. She needed help to make this night perfect, and there was only one person who came to mind. Taking a deep breath, Jordan opened her messages and texted Tiana:

Jordan: Hey, I need your help. I want to set up a special date for Kylie on the beach tonight. Something romantic, but simple. Any ideas on how to make it perfect?

She hit send, hoping Tiana would have some good suggestions to make the night unforgettable.

Jordan anxiously stared at her phone, waiting for Tiana's response. A minute passed, and then her phone buzzed.

Princess Tee: Ooooh, romantic beach date! I got you, don't worry. First off, you'll need some candles or lanterns to light the beach. Creates a soft, cozy vibe. Maybe lay down a blanket or set up a low table with pillows so it's comfortable. You can grab food and drinks from a local place, but keep it simple-finger foods, maybe a bottle of wine?

Jordan read the message and nodded, feeling a bit more confident. This was exactly the kind of help she needed.

Jordan: Sounds perfect. Do you know any spots nearby where I can get candles and maybe a nice blanket?

A few seconds later, Tiana responded.

Princess Tee: Yeah, there's a little shop on the main strip not far from the resort. They should have everything you need. And if you're really going for extra romance, string up some fairy lights on a couple of stakes. It'll look magical.

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