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They say the apple never falls far from the tree, and boy, were they right. Jordan had spent 23 years of her life trying to be different, trying so hard not to be like her mother. But one shattered heart led her to drink. This is why she never wanted to fall in love. But with Kylie, it was different. It was different until Kylie cheated on her with Travis, and then she started drinking just like her mother did.

Jordan chuckled to herself, looking outside the plane window. Her mother and she were the same. Both started drinking because of heartbreak. She could still remember the nights when her mother would drown her sorrows in a bottle, the pain and sadness etched on her face. Jordan had sworn she would never be like that, but here she was, following the same path.

The irony was almost too much to bear. She had always thought she could escape her fate, that she could build a life that was different from her mother's. But heartbreak had a way of breaking even the strongest resolve. She took another swig from the bottle, the burn of the alcohol a bitter reminder of her broken promises to herself.

As the plane droned on towards Aruba, Jordan's thoughts continued to spiral. She thought about how she had given everything to her relationship with Kylie, how she had tried to be the best partner and mother she could be. And yet, it wasn't enough. Kylie had still betrayed her, and now she was left picking up the pieces of her shattered life.

She turned her gaze from the window to the scene inside the plane. Kylie was still sitting with Travis, their heads close together as they talked and laughed. The sight made Jordan's heart ache with a mixture of jealousy and rage. How could Kylie do this to her? How could she act like everything was fine while Jordan was falling apart?

Jordan took another long drink, her vision blurring slightly from the alcohol. She knew she was on a dangerous path, but she didn't know how to stop. The pain was too much, and the alcohol was the only thing that seemed to help, even if only for a little while.

She sighed, leaning back in her seat and closing her eyes. Maybe things would be different once they got to Aruba. Maybe she could find a way to confront Kylie, to make her understand just how much she had hurt her. But deep down, Jordan knew that no matter what happened, things would never be the same again. The damage had been done, and now she was left to deal with the aftermath, one painful day at a time.

Jordan slouched deeper into her seat, the vodka numbing her mind but doing little to soothe the ache in her chest. The memories continued to swirl, dragging her back to when she first met Kylie—the laughter, the love, the way they used to be inseparable. Back then, it felt like nothing could come between them. They were so deeply in love that the idea of betrayal seemed impossible. But now, here she was, watching her wife cozied up with another man while she drank herself into oblivion.

She scoffed at the absurdity of it all. It felt like her life had become some twisted soap opera, where she was the tragic character doomed to repeat her mother's mistakes. She had spent years running from that fate, but heartbreak had a way of bringing everything full circle. And now, she was no different from her mother—drinking to forget, drowning in sorrow.

Another swig of vodka and the warmth of the alcohol seeped through her veins, dulling the sharp edges of her thoughts. She wanted to be angry at Kylie, to hate her for what she had done, but underneath the anger was a deep, crushing sadness. She had loved Kylie with everything she had, and now that love was unraveling, slipping through her fingers like sand.

The plane hummed with the quiet conversations and the soft snores of those who had managed to fall asleep. Jordan stared at the empty seat in front of her, feeling the weight of everything that had happened pressing down on her. She felt like she was suffocating, like there wasn't enough air in the cabin to breathe.

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