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Jordan stood at the edge of the shore, her gaze lost in the vast, endless expanse of the ocean. The rhythmic crashing of the waves against the sand was the only thing that seemed to keep her anchored to the present. The water mirrored her soul—calm on the surface but roiling underneath, hiding storms that had long passed yet left scars. She had been here all night, her tears blending into the salt of the sea, but now, even those had dried up. Her eyes stung from the crying, but it was her heart that felt the most parched, hollow from an ache that seemed to grow deeper the longer she sat with it.

She touched her neck absently, remembering the tie that once hung there. It felt like a noose back then, a metaphor for the emotional weight that had been choking her for so long. Now, with it gone, the absence wasn't freeing—if anything, she felt even more lost. She looked up at the horizon, the sky beginning to lighten with the first hint of dawn, but it didn't bring her any clarity.

"How could Kylie believe Kendall?" The thought replayed in her mind, as if saying it over and over would somehow make sense of the betrayal. After all these years, had Kylie ever truly known her? The one person Jordan had always been honest with, laid bare with, now doubted her loyalty. It stung more than any insult, more than any fight. And yet, Jordan could never have imagined that the reason for it all would be Kendall's hidden desire—for her, of all people.

How had she not seen it? Jordan wasn't naive, but Kendall had been careful, always subtle, always just out of reach but never far enough to raise suspicion. And now, Kendall had won. Jordan had lost her family—her home. She could almost see Kendall's smirk, that gleam in her eyes as if claiming some twisted victory. Jordan felt the weight of it all, a sense of defeat pressing down on her chest.

She didn't want to see Kylie ever again. That part was simple. The love she once held for her now felt tarnished, ruined beyond repair. But what about Stormi? And Aire? The thought of them made her heart lurch. They were her children, her world. Could she really stay away from them? Could she bear to never hear Stormi's laughter again, or hold Aire in her arms while he giggled at her silly faces? The idea of their lives continuing without her in it was unbearable.

Yet, deep down, Jordan knew she couldn't return—not like this. Not until she had grown, healed. She needed to find herself again, to rebuild the shattered pieces of her life. It wasn't just about being strong for them; she needed to be strong for herself. They deserved a parent who could give them stability, not someone as broken as she felt now.

She sighed, her eyes drifting back to the horizon. The ocean, vast and timeless, carried her thoughts away, leaving her with only one truth. To get back to them—to even have a chance at a future where she could stand tall again—she would need to survive this storm first. And only then, maybe, she could find her way home.

Jordan took a deep breath, inhaling the salty air as the tide rolled in and out. Each wave was a reminder of the cyclical nature of life—how things could ebb and flow, how moments of pain could eventually recede, just as the tide would. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to feel the cool breeze against her skin, trying to let go of the weight she carried.

Images of Stormi and Aire flooded her mind—Stormi's curious gaze, always searching for answers, and Aire's innocent laughter that could brighten even the darkest days. She could almost hear their voices, calling out to her, reminding her of the love that had once filled their home. It was enough to make her heart ache anew, but this time, it felt different—more like a spark igniting within her, urging her to fight.

"I have to be there for them," she whispered to the ocean, as if the waves could carry her promise. Jordan realized that staying away might feel like a form of protection, but it would only deepen the void in her heart. If she wanted to mend what had been broken, she needed to confront her fears, her insecurities. She needed to reclaim her role as their mother, not just as someone who had once been in their lives.

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