09: Brother's hug

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Chapter 9

-Miracle Astor-

I've never been so scared in my life.

Quinton Peters has me now on a leash and if I don't do everything he tells me or if he finds out that I told anyone what happened, he threatened me that he's going to tell everyone the truth and he's going to post to the social media the pictures he took of me.

I'm so scared.

I feel so violated. I kept showering and scrubbing my whole body raw for hours, but no matter how much I cleaned myself I could still feel his hands, I could still feel his dark and lustful eyes watching me even when my eyes were close, I could still hear the click and flashing of his phone. I could still feel and remember everything that happened!

I don't know what to do.

All I could do was to cry and that's what I did. For hours I just cried and cried, until I didn't notice I passed out, and when I woke up, I cried again.

I can't let Quinton expose the truth no matter what. I'm not doing it for me, I'm already broken and ruined after all (especially after what he did), I don't care what other will say about me, but I can't let my late mother's name get feasted on by the media and I can't let the Astor name that dad tried so hard to protect get dragged down to the mud.

But for how much longer can I take this?

Why do people have to be this cruel?

What if I just end it all? Nothing would matter anymore when I'm gone. The truth wouldn't matter anymore. I wouldn't matter, it's not like I've ever mattered to anyone in the first place. It would be so easy for everyone when I'm gone, especially my brothers, they would finally be rid of the mistake in their family.

The idea of just ending it all is just too tempting. But Damion's words to me the first time I ever tried to kill myself crept up in my mind again.

"My mother died so that your useless bastard self could be born, she sacrificed her life and chose yours and now you're just wasting the life my mother gave you as if it's nothing?! Don't do that kind of stupidity again, you demon spawn."

Our mother really sacrificed her life to save mine. And that thought alone is the only thing I'm holding onto right now and stopping me from doing the unthinkable. I don't want to waste the life my mother gave me and her own life that she sacrificed in the process.

If there is a way for me to be able to speak to my mother the first question I would surely ask is "Why?" Why did she have to have me when she could have easily aborted me in the first place, none of this would have happened if I wasn't born. Everyone would be happier.

"What do I do now?" I whispered to myself, gritting my teeth and pulling my knees even more tightly against my chest as I felt my whole body shaking uncontrollably again while I sobbed miserably to myself.

Through my tears and blurred vision I saw the message notification in my phone that was lying carelessly on the floor beside me.

Gabriel Di Luca:

Good morning, Miracle! Can we talk later at lunch? I look forward to seeing you!🥰😁

I cried even more seeing Gabriel's name and his message. Even after I deliberately turned him down and warned him about me, he's always still so genuine and consistent with me. I couldn't help but think how much he'd be disgusted and ashamed of me when he found out the truth about me and what Quinton did to me.

I suddenly began hearing the twins and Dana's voices outside. Oh, goodness, their back.

"What the fuck is this about that little shit crying and not wanting to go to school?" Maddox sounded incredibly mad.

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