10: After three days

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Chapter 10

-Miracle Astor-

"She doesn't need to go to school if she doesn't want to."

I gulped the lump on my throat and stopped just outside the kitchen as I heard Damion and the twins fighting about me again.

"You're coddling that girl!" Hendrix exclaimed sounding really pissed.

"I'm not coddling her." Damion calmly replied.

Lie. As a matter of fact he has indeed been coddling me for the past three days. He even went as far as taking three days off from work, preferring to continue his important paperworks at home so that he can watch and take care of me which he really did. This has been a complete shock to all of us as we all know our eldest brother to prioritize this work and the company over anything, this is the first time he actually chose and prioritized something over work, and it happens to be me. The twins and Corbin are pissed.

"If she doesn't want to? Do you hear yourself, brother? What did that little shit say to you and you start acting all nice and kind to her all of a sudden!" Maddox yelled.

Has Damion really just been acting all nice and kind to me?

I don't think so. It didn't feel like he's just acting. And he did tell me that everything's going to change. I really felt how genuine his care towards me and honestly for the past three days after what happened, Damion has been my rock. I still wouldn't speak, but he didn't mind it at all and understood me.

But I really wish I could tell him, I wish I could tell someone.

"Do not speak about our sister like that again, Maddox!" Now Damion sounded mad and scary.

"Pft. Don't act all high and mighty now when you called her worse as I seem to remember. What is it again? Oh yeah, demon spawn." Maddox sneered.

I don't want to hear their fighting anymore, so I hesitantly stepped inside the kitchen and made my presence be known making all of them turn their heads towards me. The twins both scowled seeing me, but Damion's face softened.

"Hey, sweetheart, why are you all dressed up?" He was confused because a little while ago while I was still in my bed he told me that he was going to get me breakfast in bed and laid some movies we could watch.

But after receiving that scary message from Quinton, I knew I had no choice but to finally go back to school. I almost had another panic attack in the shower, but I quickly gathered myself together or it's just going to get worse for me.

From Quinton Peters:

I've already given you 3 days. I want you to go back to school NOW or else I will tell everyone your dirty little secret and I'll post your nude photos online! I missed that little body of yours already...

"I'm ready to go back to school." I said in a quiet and shaky voice.

"Great, the problem took care of itself. Come on, Max." Hendrix rolled his eyes at me in annoyance and walked out of the kitchen followed by his twin who also gave me a glare before leaving.

Yeah, I really am a problem.

I was too out of it that I didn't even notice Damion was already standing in front of me and holding my cold, shaking hands. He would always suggest to take me to the hospital, but I would just always end up in a crying fit everytime he mentions it so he stopped. I know he's been really worried and I feel really bad for making him worry about me so much that he actually dropped everything just so he can take care of me.

"Are you sure, Mira?"

"Yes. I already missed so much." I was trying not to shake and stutter as much.

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