28: Pain

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Chapter 28

-Miracle Astor-

Today is the day I leave to go to France.

Well, both Corbin and I.

But I keep checking on my iphone literally every five minutes to see if Gabriel either left me a message or called me. It's already afternoon and he still hasn't responded to my message this morning. This is slightly worrying for me because I'm not used to him not responding to my message. He would always send me a good morning message and he always responds to my message seconds after I send it, he's never late in responding to me.

This is just so unlike my Gaby.

Maybe he's just busy?

But that doesn't seem right, he knows that today is my flight and he's going to come along with us, he told me so last night when he called.

We're going to the airport any minute now. He knows that.

I started to get worried and scared even more now.

What if... What if he doesn't want to come with me anymore?

My eyes start to glisten as well as my hands start to shake a little as I typed another message to him.

To Gaby Baby:

We're about to go to the airport. Where are you? Are you okay? Reply, please?

Now I sounded like a desperate and clingy girlfriend. I want to slap myself. I'm not even his girlfriend.

But I really am worried.

Another five minutes have passed, I tried to call him but it just went to voice mail.

"G-Gaby? Hey, are you okay? Did something happen? Just tell me you're okay, just so that for me, please. I'm really worried." My voice was so shaky that I even whimpered at the last word.

What happened to him?

I couldn't shake this unsettling feeling anymore so I got to my feet and it carried me towards Damion's home office. I suddenly knocked on the door, opened it and entered it when I heard his voice telling me to come in.

"Hi, sweetheart, are you ready? We're leaving in ten---

He cut himself and immediately stood up, approaching me as he saw my anxious face.

"What's wrong, Mira?" He asks as he grabs both my hands looking down at me worriedly.

"Can I go to Gabriel's apartment? I want to check in on him first then I'll meet you there at the airport." I softly requested, looking up at my big brother pleadingly. I was trying my best to hold back my tears.

"Why? What happened? I thought he was going to either come here or meet us at the airport."  Damion looks at me confused.

I hope that's the case. That Gabriel was really already at the airport this whole time waiting for me and he just lost his phone or something.

Yes, that's what probably happened.

"I just need to check in on him there. Please, Damion." I gave him a pleading look to which he thankfully easily gives in as he lets out a sigh in defeat.

"Alright. I'll drive you there and let's just meet with Corbin and the twins at the airport. Your things are already packed inside your bedroom, right?"

I nod. Thank goodness.

"Okay, I'll just have the maids bring them to the car with your brothers. Let's go, sweetheart." He smiles and extends his hand. I smiled back, grabbing it as we made our way outside.

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