32: A ghost from the past

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Chapter 32

-Gabriel Di Luca-

(FINALLY!!! our best boy is back😭🫶)


I woke up earlier than usual.

I'm going to go to France together with my Miracle today.

I can't believe she ever thought that I would let her go just like that. Silly girl. I would never. She is the girl of my dreams, the love of my life, and the one who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I'm pretty fucking sure of her already. I would be the biggest idiot in the world if I ever let my Miracle go. She's my Miracle and I will follow her wherever she goes.

Every necessary thing I need is already packed inside my car and I have already prepared everything already. I'm just going to drive papa to the airport as he's also going to go back to Italy today, after I drop him off, I'm going to head to the Astor's mansion.

Papa pulled me in for another tight hug, quickly messing up my hair as soon as we pulled away.

"You really need a haircut, little Gaby." He chuckles, I roll my eyes and push his hair away from my hair. He's exaggerating.

"I love you too, pa." I smiled.

My old man lets out a grin.

"I love you so fucking much, my small human, you'll always be my pride and joy."

I threw my arms around my father again. He's the best father I could ever have despite what everybody is saying. Papa has done so much for me that I never once felt anything missing from my life.

"You take care of that sweet girl, you hear me? She needs you and you need her, both of you seem to bring the best out of each other."

I smiled hearing his words and I quickly nodded my head. My Miracle definitely brings out the best in me.

"Alright, call me, your aunt, and your uncles as soon as you land in France." He messes my hair one last time before going inside the airport, flashing me another smile

"Have a safe flight, Papa!"

I immediately got inside my car as soon as my father boarded his flight. I pulled out my iPhone to send a good morning message to my girl, but then I thought about surprising her with breakfast as I got to their house so I guess I'll just do that then.

I smiled as I drove to the breakfast diner that happens to be near my apartment building and that's when I saw her.

I took a double take and almost crashed my car as soon as I saw her.

Wait, is it really her?

What is she doing here in America?

It's like I was seeing a ghost.

A ghost from my past.

Seeing her was almost like seeing him.

I parked my car to the side, not giving a fuck about getting a ticket, and got out as quickly as possible. I hurriedly ran to her as she continued to walk, oblivious about my presence.

"Chiara!" I called.

As soon as she heard me, she quickly turned.

It really is her.

"Gabriel." Her eyes widened in surprise upon seeing me and a wide smile made its way on her face.

I just stood there, still finding it hard to believe that I'm seeing Chiara again here in all places, and before I knew it she suddenly ran towards me and hugged me. The feeling of her arms wrapped around me was familiar, nothing much special though, but it was definitely nostalgic. As little kids, we usually l used to always hug as our way of greeting so for old time's sake, I hugged her back as well.

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