Chapter 8: Hotel Chat

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Blitz's Dreams...

In a foggy area, the sky is red, and it shows off a wide open area, and there is a city as well. Somewhere in the city, Blitz, as a small child, is running around the city in fear. He finds himself lost and alone with no soul. He soon stops to look around the foggy area. He doesn't know why, but the city seems familiar to him.

Suddenly, he hears someone calling out, "Blitzo... Blitzo..."

"Huh..." Blitz questions.

He then sees a small figure that looks around his height. It's hard to tell, but the being seems to look like a bird. The bird also has a cape and what looks like a small gold crown on his head.

The foggy bird happily waves, "Blitzo... over here....!"

And then begins to run in the opposite direction.

"Wa-wait... Where are you going?" Blitz calls out, and runs after him.

Blitz continues calling out, "Wait... wait..."

Blitz continues running as fast as he can until he finds the little bird with the crown in front of a very large tree. Blitz walks towards the young being, and he doesn't understand why, but he feels that he has seen him before.

Blitz asks, "Who... who are you?"

The bird giggles and hoots in response, "I'm your friend... and you're my friend..."

"Friends...?" Blitz questions.

Blitz approaches the bird once more and reaches his hand out. The bird hidden in the fog does the same until their hands intertwine with one another. Tears soon begin to stream from his face and feels his heart racing.

Dream Ends...

Blitz opens his eyes in shock, showing tears have fallen from his face.

Blitz sits up and wipes the tears from his face, "It... It's just a dream... but it feels so real..."

Blitz then climbs out of bed, walks over to the window, and opens the curtains to see Pentagram City.

Blitz says, "It's hard to believe that it's just the day before yesterday that my family ended up in Hell, and yesterday that we met the princess and everyone in the hotel."

Suddenly, he hears a knock on the door.

Blitz turns his head and calls out, "Come in."

The door opens and Loona enters the room with little Tilla, who is awake in her arms.

"Morning Loona. Good morning, Tilla," Blitz says.

"Morning dad, just got up," Loona says.

"Yes. I'm guessing you and the others woke up too," Blitz says.

"Yeah. Everyone is up and getting dressed, but Tilla really likes to be with you," Loona says.

Tilla reaches her hand out, "Dada."

Blitz giggles and takes Tilla in his arms.

"Morning sweetie, did you sleep well?" Blitz replies, and wipes his eyes.

Tilla giggles with smiles.

"Dad, were you crying?" Loona asks, showing concern.

"It's okay Loona. I just had an odd dream last night," Blitz says.

"A dream?" Loona questions.

"Yes. It's a bit hazy, so I don't really remember," Blitz says.

"Okay," Loona says.

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