Chapter 39: The Secret of Princess Callista

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One evening, in the Hazbin Hotel, everyone finished with their activity for today.

Charlie happily says, "Great job, everyone. I'm glad you all were able to do well without any more uh, incidents."

"Finally, the activity is fun and all, but standing still like a statue for a while can get tiring, especially since we did this a while ago," Angel says, and moves off the platform he's been standing on.

"I know, but you're an actor and you've done modeling a few times, so you're the best for us to use for the activity," Charlie says, "And thanks for volunteering.

"No problem, toots. I've done this a lot so I'm used to it," Angel says.

"I see," Charlie says.

"Anyway, I gotta get some sleep. I have to be at work early tomorrow. We have an important shoot going on," Angel says, and heads off to bed.

"I need a break," Husk says, tired.

"I'll be out tomorrow as well," Alastor says.

"Sadly, my family and I will be out tomorrow as well," Blitz says.

"Really? Where will you all be going?" Pentious asks.

"Well, my family and I are going on a picnic lunch tomorrow," Blitz says.

"A picnic is nice," Angel says, "Mind if we come?"

"Actually, this is something that my family and I plan to have on our own," Blitz says.

And lower his head in sadness, catching everyone's attention.

"Why Blitz, what got you so down? You're never fully dressed without a smile. So I think it's a good idea for you to put a smile after the say we had," Alastor asks, curiously.

Blitz shows a small smile, "Thank you Alastor, but tomorrow it's a very sad day for us."

"Tomorrow?" Charlie questions and looks at the calendar, "Tomorrow is May 18. Is something going on?"

"Well, tomorrow is actually the anniversary of my wife's passing, so my family and I are going out for a picnic. Crystal really loves going on picnics. That's the reason why we've had a picnic during her birthday and passing day," Blitz says.

Charlie and the others soon become surprised and saddened to hear it.

"Oh, tomorrow is the day of your wife's passing. I can understand why you and your family want this to be within the family," Vaggie says.

"Yeah. I get it. It's important for your family to have family time to talk and think of your wife," Angel says.

"I have to agree," Pentious says with a nod.

"Thanks guys," Blitz says, and then makes his leave.

Sometime later...

Blitz is in his bedroom and is in his pajamas. Before going to sleep, he picks up the photograph of himself and Crystal during their younger days.

Blitz sighs and says, "Oh Crystal, I really miss you. I do hope you're watching over us right now. I know it's a bit hard, and I know we plan to do it eventually. But tomorrow, I plan to tell them everything about us, and about you... who you really are, Callista."

The next day...

Blitz and his family walk out of the hotel. Loona is holding the picnic basket while Aurora is holding the baby bag and the picnic blanket. Blitz is also holding a bag full of food and also some stuff to play.

Loona calls out, "Bye everyone."

"We'll see you later," Blitz calls out.

"Bye guys, have a good day on your picnic," Charlie calls out.

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