Chapter 26: Goodship Mystery

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One afternoon in the Hazbin Hotel, Blitz along with his family are packing a few things for a trip with Stolas. Charlie and Vaggie are helping Keenan and Tilla pack their things.

Charlie says, "It's very nice of you guys to be going on a trip."

"I agree. It's nice that Stolas is planning to take us on a trip," Blitz says.

"It's very nice of him to do that," Vaggie says, helping pack Tilla's things.

She then asks, "Where did you guys say where you're going?"

"I'm not sure," Blitz says.

Packing her stuff, Loona says, "Stolas said it's a surprise for us. From what he explained, Octavia will be going there as well. And he said he arranged this trip because he wants to make up for the uh, Loo Loo Land incident."

"Well from what you explained, the incident at Loo Loo Land was a mess," Vaggie says.

"You can say that again," Loona says.

"I'm just glad we were able to get out of there, but we did get some cute toys," Aurora says.

Tilla is playing with the Thing and the Fizzarolli toy as she giggles.

Charlie says, "Aww, that's cute."

"Still, I think a change in scenery would be nice," Blitz says.

"Well, I'm sure you all will have a lot of fun during your trip," Charlie says.

"Thank you, Charlie," Blitz says. "We'll be gone for a week and a half and hope you all will have fun while we're gone."

Shortly after having their things packed, Blitz and the family are waiting in the lounge waiting for the portal to open.

Alastor soon walks in, "Well, looks like something entertaining is happening."

"Hi Alastor," Keenan says, "And you're correct. We're going out on vacation with Stolas and Octavia."

"How nice? Where will this vacation destination be?" Alastor says, interested.

"We don't really know to be honest. Stolas said he'll open a portal to his palace to talk to us about something before we head off on the trip," Blitz answers.

"Hmm, well, this will be entertaining and an interesting surprise. I'm sure you will have an exciting time on this trip," Alastor says.

"I hope so. I do hope we can have a good time on the trip," Blitz says.

"I'm sure we will, dad," Keenan says.

"Yeah. You're right. I'm also quite excited for the trip. I think the portal to Stolas' place should open now," Blitz says.

And right on cue, the portal opens.

"Right on time," Loona says.

"Alright everyone, time to get going everyone," Blitz says.

"Okay," Everyone says.

Soon, Loona, Keenan, Aurora walk through the portal with their belongings as they say their goodbyes. Blitz, holding Tilla in his arms with his and Tilla's luggage. Sophie jumps on Blitz's shoulders with glee.

Blitz says, "Goodbye everyone."

Everyone says their goodbyes as Blitz walks through the portal and it closes soon after.

Soon, Blitz and the family walk to the front door and are happily greeted by Stolas and Octavia.

"Hello everyone, I'm so glad you all are able to make it," Stolas says.

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