Chapter 38: Caught in a Red Moth's Wings

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One day at the hotel, in his bedroom, Angel Dust is getting himself ready for work, and to gather the items he needs for today's work.

Angel grumbles, "Stupid fuckin' Val... Stupid fuckin' last minute work... Stupid ass bondage shoots... gang bangs... and all that last minute shit..." He sighs, "At least I was given a couple of days off after this."

He then finishes with getting his stuff together and leaves his room.

As he leaves, Angel lets out a sigh and walks down the hall. He soon reaches the hotel lobby to see Aurora, Keena, and Tilla watching television. Blitz is busy brushing Sophie's fur.

Blitz turns to notice Angel, "Hey Angel."

"Hey Blitz, can't talk too much, gotta get going," Angel says.

"Work today?" Blitz asks.

"Yep. Val wants me to work for last minute shots and filming," Angel says, annoyed, "He's an absolute jerkface..." and mutters, "And a fuckin slave driver."

"I see," Blitz replies.

"Anyway, tell Charlie I'll be gone until tomorrow and I'll see y'all around," Angel says.

"Okay, bye Angel," Blitz says.

"See ya," Angel says and takes his leave with his bag.

"Well, there goes Angel," Keenan says.

"Yeah," Blitz says. Then turns to Sophie, "Alright Sophie, you're all good."

Sophie barks and jumps off of Blitz's lap to sit next with the kids.

Soon, Charlie and Vaggie walk into the lounge to see Blitz and the kids.

"Hey Blitz, what are you up to?" Charlie asks.

"Not much. I just finished brushing Sophie's fur. And also, Angel wants me to let you know that he went to work," Angel says.

Vaggie sighs, "I still can't believe he's still going over there."

"Well, there isn't much we can do. After all, Angel has to work and Val does have him on a contract according to him," Charlie says, but she doesn't seem happy.

"I remember Angel mentioned it," Blitz says.

Blitz then stands up from the chair, "But like Charlie said, there isn't much we can do. All we can do is to help him when he needs it."

"True," Vaggie says with a sigh.

He then begins walking upstairs, "We'll, I'm going to be doing things in my room, so I'll be back in a little bit."

"Okay. Take care now," Charlie says.

Blitz waves and continues walking up the stairs. He soon walks down the hallway and suddenly hears scratching sound coming from Angel's bedroom door.

"What's that? Hmm, is something wrong with Nuggs?" Blitz questions.

Blitz soon opens the door to Angel's room to see Fat Nuggets staring at him.

"Hey Fat Nuggets," Blitz says. He kneels down and scratches the back of the pig's ear, "What's the matter boy?"

Fat Nuggets walks to the bed and looks up to see a black outfit. It seems like one of the sexy outfits.

"Hmm," Blitz responds, and picks up the clothes, "These look like the clothes that Angel mentioned. He said that he needs it for an important shoot. Angel must have forgotten it," Blitz then folds it and says, "I better hurry and give it to him."

Blitz then leaves the room and leaves the hotel to catch up with Angel to bring the clothes he needs for his work.

Sometime later...

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