Chapter 10

7.5K 113 6

- Madison

Argh. I hate Mondays, I wish they could just disappear. I really need this run this morning. My mind is on overload with too much for me to handle.

My mom. Jaden. Taylor. Zoey. Malik. My dad. It's just too much for me! Why did I suggest that we went out to eat that night?

I get dressed in my usual running clothes. Bright blue short shorts, a white sports bra, with white and blue Nike running shoes. Why do I insist on going for a run at 11 in the morning. I'm such a weirdo.

I grab my phone and headphones. Before I leave, I post a picture of my full body on Instagram.

'I love running, time to clear my head. Morning everyone (:' the caption says. Yes, that was shade thrown at Jaden in that. Who the hell is he to ask when will I stop running from things? He doesn't know me dammit.

Zoey and Taylor are out with their boyfriends for breakfast this morning, so I'm alone. They agreed to go to the game tonight, followed by a girls night in.

I get my keys and make my way to my Lexus. Soon, I'm back at the track field. My love. My life.

After three hours of running, I'm back at the condo. I spent majority of the time thinking about my mom. I miss her so much, it hurts badly. I wish she was here with me. Why'd she have to leave me? Everybody leaves.

The other time I spent thinking about Jaden. Zoe and Tay say he brings out the old fun me before my mom's demise. I disagree. The problem with Jaden is that, I don't like being followed by the papz, I don't like being hated, and all the rumors. He deals with that everyday, I can't. Not to mention, he'll end up leaving like everyone else. Why let him in, so he can break me and go. I've got enough people in, there's no room for anymore. Lastly, he's a heartbreaker. I don't want to fall for him, hoping he'll change when I know it's possible that he won't. I can't handle getting my heart broken, it's just we're not right. But, I'm so attracted to him. He's been too close and I'm beginning to catch feelings. I need to stop them after tonight.

"How was you run?" Taylor asks as I walk in.

"Great. I can think straight now." I reply with a smile.

She nods.

"Where's Zoe?" I question.

"Went to buy some of Malik's shoes to wear tonight."

I laugh. "You got yours?"

"Yup." She says popping the p.

"Alright, well I'm going to take a shower. Guess we'll talk when Zoe gets back." I say walking to the bathroom.

I take my usually, after run shower. Cold water, then hot. Wash hair. Same ritual. I put on some red jogging pants with a black tank top.

Zoe is back when I get out and we all our sitting on the couches in the front room. Nobody has said a word yet. I'll speak first then.

"Every since you guys started dated Moi and Teo, we haven't been hanging like usual. I understand you guys are in relationships, but we live together and I feel like we never see each other. I don't want to lose you guys too." I say softly.

"You're not going to lose us Madison." Taylor speaks. "I feel the same way, maybe we just need to have at least two days out of the weeks just for us three, no guys. We shouldn't feel this way at all." She continues.

"I agree. What about Mondays and Thursdays after classes." Zoey suggests. "I miss you guys too much to live in the same house."

"I'm down with that." I say.

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