Chapter 29

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*picture of the truck, view, Madison, & Jaden to the side* <3

- Madison

I stirred in my sleep. I reached over for Jaden, but I couldn't come in contact with anyone. My eyes shot open to see, indeed, the empty spot next to me.

I turn my head backwards to see Jaden sitting down in one of the four seats around the wooden table. Well, I see his arm on the armrest.", a glass of orange juice, and his laptop.

Discreetly as possible, I grab my toothbrush out of my backpack and head to the bathroom. Once I'm sure I don't have after sleep breath, I come back out.

Sneaking up on Jaden, I wrap my arms around his neck before placing a kiss on his cheek.

I notice he has his beats on his head and he is listening to some tracks.

"Sleeping beauty." He greets kissing me on the lips.

I laugh. "How much longer do we have to go?"

"About two hours." Just enough time to watch the disk.

I nod. "Mixtape or album?"

"Album. It's is almost complete."

"Yeah? What else is needed?"

"A song featuring you." He informs me taking his beats off.

I laugh. "What are we Beyoncé and Jay Z?"

He smiles. "C'mon. Your voice is amazing, just what've been needing for this one song."

"We shall discuss this when we are back in California." I say ending the conversation.

I get up to fetch my MacBook, it's finally time to watch the video. Should I be this nervous?

"J watch this with me." I ask as he closes his Macbook.

"What is it?"

I explain the video to him to make as much sense as possible. He agrees and I take the window seat as he comes to from across the table to sit by me.

"Here goes everything." I say before pressing play.


Soon on my screen is the hospital screen where I was born. I must admit I was chubby baby; thus, my mom is screaming her lungs out.

"Would you like to hold your baby girl?" The lady asks.

"Might as well after all that." My mom replies causing me to chuckle, that's her.

"She's gorgeous. Oh my!" She starts once I'm in her arms. "Hey there baby, you're just the most beautiful little girl in the whole wide world." She gushes at me.

"What should she name her?" My dad says from behind the camera.

"That's easy. Madison, my little Maddy." The scene fades out.


"Okay Maddy this is our first video diary. Say hello to the camera."

"Hello camera." I say smiling hard.

My mom smiles. "This is just for us okay, you can't tell anyone about our secret."

I nod. "Okay mommy!"

"How old are you Maddy?"

"Three!" I exclaim holding up four tiny fingers.

My mom laughs that beautiful laugh that I miss the most before putting one of my fingers down.

"I love you mommy."

"Oh, I love you more my princess. Now, c'mon it's mommy-daughter day!"

The rest of that footage is our first recorded mother-daughter day. I do her makeup, dress up in her clothes, help her make lunch, and just hang out.

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