Chapter 22

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*go read my new book from my upcoming series called ' The Guitarist and The Photographer '

- Jaden

"This is beautiful." Madison whispers as we sit on the grass.

We're at the Griffith Observatory. Sitting in the grass, looking over LA. Luckily, tonight the city is lit up, and it looks breathtaking.

It's 11:30 and my birthday is at midnight. Our relationship has been going great over these pass weeks. I love it! Although we have busy schedules, we always make time for eachother.

She's started filming her show, and it's going great with that too. Everything is going great, and I couldn't be any happier! Well, I'll be a little happier when I turn 19 in a half hour.

"J, did you hear me?" Her voice takes me away from my thoughts. I shake my head.


"I said, thanks for bringing me up here to your spot." She repeats lacing her fingers through mine.

"No problem. I wanted to share this with you!" I respond wrapping my arm around her waist while she leans her head on my shoulder.

"You know I got you something for your birthday. But, you're not going to get it until your little dinner party."

"Madison you didn't have to get me anything." I respond placing a kiss on her forehead.

"What type of girlfriend would I be if I didn't?" She defends.

I nod my head in agreement. I guess that's part of her girlfriend duties. I just don't want her spending her money on me. I should be buying her stuff, not the other way around.

"What's your dream?"

I look down at Madison as she looks up at me, waiting for an answer. "What do you mean, my dream?" I ask confused.

She sighs. "Jaden what is you dream? What do you want to accomplish? What have you always wanted?" I run my hand through my hair thinking. "Do you get the idea?" She asks after I don't speak.

I nod, and continue to think. What is my dream? I guess, I never sat down and thought about it. That's what I like about Madison, she brings out a side of me I never even knew.

"I guess it would have to be, to have a love like my parents. When they look into eachother's eyes, all you see is love. Everytime one of them looks at the other, their eyes sparkle with admiration. They love eachother so much, and I guess I want to have that. Someone I can have my own silent language with. A person that can know me better than I know myself." I groan, why I don't know. "I never really thought about that, but that is my dream. I hope to have a bond with someone like my mom and dad have." I say, and voice cracks.

This is making me realize, how much I want that. I really do, I want someone to love me as Jaden. Not one of the Smith kids, not an actor, rapper, model, etc. Love me for me that's all.

She doesn't say anything. All she does is hug my tighter, and give me a quick peck on the lips. But, I don't want just a peck. I turn towards her and capture her mouth in a passionate kiss. I need this to reassure me that, I can find true love.

"You kiss everybody like that?" She says with a smirk.

"You're the first." I whisper.

She laughs at this. "Happy Birthday handsome."

I plaster on a shocked expression before checking my phone. 12:00am on the dot. Where'd the time go?

"Thank you."

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