Entry 0.3

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Riker POV:

I laid in bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. Every day its the same thing. It repeats and repeats and never stops. Every miserable day Repeats.

The loneliness.

The darkness.

The depression.

What they say is true. You'll never know how much you love someone until they're actually gone. 

I'd never knew it hurt this much to just realize one of your family members are gone, and you'll never even know if they're coming back. I wish I had just listen to mom and just drive to the set and pick up Ross, instead of being a fool..

~~Flashback~~ This all happened while Laura and Ross we're having the conversation about her being pregnant~~ Thats if you remember the other chapter of Laura's flashback~~

"Hun, can you go pick up Ross from the set. It's kinda late too." She said. 

"But mom! He can come himself. He's 19!" I complained. I was being lazy.

"Riker. Listen to mom and pick up Ross." Ryland smirked. I rolled my eyes. Why does he have to go against me.

"I don't want to! He's not 5 anymore!"

"But he resembles a 5 year old's brain when it comes to walking alone in the dark." Mom said.

"Its true. Remember when Ross got lost in the park? And he was 17." Rydel came out of nowhere. "I just don't want to! Trust him already mom. Pleaseeeee.." I said.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes. Yes! Yes!

I rushed up the stairs, off to my lap tap.

To this day, I regret not listening to mom, or Rydel, or Ryland.

I regret everything. Everything is my fault.


Everything is my fault....

I said. Why didn't I walk Ross home. I knew better. I already knew how he was with walking alone in the dark. 

But no.

My pregnant self was too lazy.

Maybe its his karma for getting me pregnant?

No Laura! Don't think like that! Ross is suffering badly and your just being a selfish brat!!

"Ma'am?" A man said. I came back to my senses, and I realized I was in a bar.

"Yes?" I said.

"You spaced out for ten minutes." He said. "Oh. " I said. He shrugged. Oh, he was the bartender.

"Gimme another shot of whatever the fuck I was drinking." I said. I was drunk already, but I could get deep in thoughts.

"Alright. Liquor." He said. He poured some in a glass, and passed it to me. "This should do the trick." He said. I shrugged. "Whatever." I said, and took a sip.  I suddenly hear an alarm. "Oh! I gotta pick up my son from school!" I said. I left the money in his hands, and walked out of the bar.


"Lingerrrrr.... how much time now?"I hear Ross whisper in my ear. 

"Its gonna take real long. We can take a break right here." I said. He nodded as I walked to the grass and put him down. We sat under a big oak tree, shady.

"Why is it so hot?? Ughh.." He groaned.

"You haven't been in California for a long time. Of course your gonna be annoyed by the heat." I breathed heavily. 

"Hold on. Be right back. I'm gonna go buy water at the store." I said. "Stay hidden." I said. He nods and I walk into the store, and got some water. I peek through the window of the store each second, to check on Ross. Everybody looked at me weirdly, because I was covered in dirt, cuts, I had a black eye, my black dress was ripped up at the bottom, and so we're my sleeves. 

You could basically say I looked like I came from the jungle.

I peek out and see Ross still there. 

"Here you go." I said. The lady looked at me.

"What happened?"

"Something." I paid her, and took the water.

"Farewell!" I said. I run over to Ross, and sat beside him.

"Here you go mate." I passed him water. He drunk some, and looked at it. He poured it over his head.

I laughed.

"So hot..." He shrugged. After he finished pouring, his hair was wet and kinda spikey. He drank more, until he was done.

"Well, lets get going." I said. We got up.

"Get on my back mate." I said. He got on my back, and I began to walk.




Okay okay okay lemme stop being weird...

Wait.... theres no way I can do that! XD

Okay, so I might update another chapter today, then you'll have to wait for the last one which is on Sunday. >:3

So anyways,

2 more chapters, and it's all over.

You'll be surprised what happens in the end... You just wait...




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