Chapter 4, Year 1

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November, 1991

Today is the first Quidditch match of the season, Slytherin vs Gryffindor. Turns out, instead of expelling him, Professor Mcgonagall made him the Gryffindor seeker. That made Draco so angry he wouldn't shut up about it for two weeks.

Ellie, Pansy, and Millicent dress warm in their Slytherin scarves and hats, and go downstairs to meet with the boys who are already waiting. Draco complains, saying that they took a long time.

"Stop whining, Draco, it's not like we're going to be late." Ellie says.

The group of Slytherins walk down to the Quidditch pitch and take a seat in the Slytherin section. As they wait, Ellie explains the rules of quidditch to Pansy and Millicent as the boys make predictions on the game.

"I bet Potter doesn't last, a bludger is going to hit him right in the face and break his round glasses." Draco says. "I just can't believe he got a bloody Nimbus 2000."

The game begins, with Gryffindor already getting 20 points on the board. The Slytherins groan in frustration. "COME ON!! I CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT!" Ellie screams, earning looks from students around her.

Slytherins get 10 points, and are finally on the board. Albeit, they were a little dirty, but Eleanor and her friends didn't care as long as their team was winning.

"Look!" Theo points, "Harry Potter's spotted the Snitch!"

However, instead of him catching the Snitch and winning, Harry's broomstick begins bucking and turning. He's almost fallen off, holding onto the broom with one hand. This happens for a while, until it randomly stops, and Harry climbs back on. He and the Slytherin seeker, Terrence Higgs, are head-to-head. But then, Harry Potter stands on his broom, and reaches out for the Snitch. He falls face forward.

"Oh Godric! He looks like he's going to be sick!" Pansy yelps.

He coughs up the snitch, holding it up in the air, "Harry Potter catches the Snitch!" The announcer, Lee Thomas, says. "Gryffindor wins!"

"No!" Draco says, dismayed.

"There's no way that counts! He caught it with his mouth, not his hands!" Ellie whines. She can't help but think everything seems to go his way, that Harry Potter.


January 4th, 1992

Eleanor is studying in the library for her next Potions exam. She and Draco went back to Malfoy Manor for Christmas break, and she had a great time. However, now that she's back at Hogwarts, she needs to focus on her schoolwork.

It's hard to focus, though sitting at a table right next to Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger. They keep whispering about a man named Nicolas Flamel for some reason. Ron and Hermione get up to leave, and Harry Potter trails behind to clean up the books.

"Sorry, if we were being too loud." Ellie hears him say.

She looks up at him, "No worries, you weren't." He is about to leave when she asks, "I apologize that I was eavesdropping, but why were you talking about someone on the back of a chocolate frog card?"

Harry just looks at her, and she can see a glint of realization in his eyes. He doesn't say anything, just rushes out of the library. "Okay, rude. I asked a question." Ellie mumbles to herself, turning back to her notes.


Draco is pulling Eleanor by her hand, "Come on! We have to catch up to them!" They are currently spying on Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

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