Chapter 3, Year 2

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The Slytherin vs Gryffindor game has come again, and Ellie is waiting excitedly in the Great Hall to go. Draco, on the other hand, has been having a hard time eating.

"Come on, Dray, you need to eat. You have to beat those Gryffindorks." Ellie says. The cousins made up after Ellie stole his textbooks and Draco apologized (she made him say it as many times until he meant it).

He forces down some toast, "I know, and we will win."

"That's the spirit!" She says, slapping him on the back.

Finally, Eleanor is sitting in between Pansy and Blaise, with Theo on the other side of Blaise. Slytherin is in the lead and they

"YES!!!" Ellie yells. "Draco better find that bloody snitch."

Draco and Harry are flying near each other, exchanging some words, but Ellie can't hear them. "He needs to do less talking and more looking!" She exclaims. Pansy puts her hand on her shoulder, "I'm sure he'll do great, El." She says.

In a matter of moments, a bludger nearly hits Harry, and is chasing him around the stadium. "What is happening?" Blaise asks, taking the binoculars from Theo.

"Potter's got a rogue bludger!" Theo says, "oh we've got this win in the bag!"

Ellie barks a laugh, she sort of feels bad, but she really wants to win. Then, Draco starts saying something to Harry again, but she notices the snitch right by his head.

"DRACO!! NEXT TO YOU!! STOP TALKING AND CATCH THE SNITCH!" Ellie screams. However, it was too late as Harry had already noticed it. They begin to race for it, but Draco ends up crashing into the grass.

"Bloody Hell! Is he okay?" Pansy yelps.

The bludger is still following Harry, and ends up hitting into his arm. This doesn't stop him, as he catches the snitch with his other hand. Although he caught it, the bludger still keeps trying to hit him, but he keeps dodging it.

"We just lost again!" Ellie whines. "To a boy who had a bloody bludger chasing after him the whole game!"

"Come on, El, let's go see Draco.' Theo says, grabbing her hand.

Draco goes to the Hospital Wing, and is checked out by Madame Pomfrey. "Other than a few bruises and scrapes, you're good to go when you're ready." She says, leaving to get skelegrow for Harry's boneless arm.

Instead of getting up, he continues to groan and make it a big fuss. Ellie, Pansy, Theo, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle are all sitting by his bed.

"Good try, man, really. I'm sure you'll beat Hufflepuff next game." Blaise says, trying to cheer his friend up. Madame Pomfrey comes back with the skelegrow.

"Oh, Mr. Malfoy, stop making such a big fuss. You can go." She says, walking past the Slytherins. Ellie, Blaise, and Theo get up to leave.

"So you're all just leaving me here?" Draco asks.

"She just said you're fine," Theo says, rolling his eyes, "Ellie is supposed to be helping us with our potions homework." The three of them leave the Hospital Wing and head to the library. There, they all work on their homework, Theo or Blaise occasionally asking Ellie a question or two. Once they finish, they decide to hang out there for a little longer.

"Thanks so much for this, El." Theo says, "you're one of the best potions students I know."

Ellie grins, "One of?"

"Okay, you're THE best potions student I know." He says.

"That's better."

Walking to the common room, they pass by a group of third year Ravenclaws.

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