Chapter 3, Year 3

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Ellie is sitting in the stands, watching the Slytherin Quidditch tryouts with Pansy and Draco due to his arm still hurting. Draco is already the Seeker, however Blaise and Theo are trying out to be chasers. The two of them have been practicing whenever they have free time.

"They're definitely gonna make it," Ellie says. "There are no other people deserving of being on the team other than them."

"Of course, and with them we're sure to beat Gryffindor this year." Draco says. Ellie whoops and high fives her cousin as Pansy agrees with him.

The two of them make a really good team, and get all but one quaffle through the hoops. Blaise and Theo are officially the newest Slytherin Quidditch chasers, making Eleanor cheer for them loudly.

"Let's have a party tonight! In the common room!" Ellie says when the group is walking back to the castle. Theo and Blaise wrap their arms around her shoulders, "What would we do without our biggest fan." Blaise says.


The Slytherins are walking out of the castle for their first Hogwarts visit. It is October, and the weather is Ellie's favorite kind of weather. Cold so she can wear sweaters, but still warm enough to not bundle up.

Ellie sees Harry Potter with a sad face, "I guess Golden Boy can't go to Hogsmeade." She says.
"Who cares about Potter?" Pansy says. "Let's talk about where we're going. I think we should go shopping first, and then end the day with The Three Broomsticks for some Butterbeer."

"Sounds good to me. I heard about this really nice used book store that I want to go to." Ellie says.

"And what about us?" Blaise asks next to Eleanor. "Are we just going to watch you two shop the whole day? Hold your bags?"

"Yes." The girls say at the same time.

The group of Slytherins walk around Hogsmeade, shop in stores, and they finally sit down for a cup of butterbeer before they have to leave to go back to the school.

"What do you suppose your Boggart would be, Draco?" Pansy asks.

"Nothing. I'm not afraid of anything." He says confidently.

Eleanor rolls her eyes, "please, it would be the disappointed face of your father." Draco kicks her underneath the table. "Ow!"

"I bet yours would be a library that's run out of books." He says mockingly.

"That is very scary," She says, unfazed. "But I'm sure mine would be You Know Who or something. Remember when I used to have dreams about him, Dray?"

Draco nods his head, "what about you, Pansy? What is your biggest fear?"

"Definitely spiders, Wealsey's Boggart made me freak out." She replies. "Blaise, what's yours?"

"Probably You Know Who as well. He's bloody scary." He says as Theo makes his way to the table with the butterbeers.

"What is everyone talking about?" He asks, sitting next to Ellie.

"Our biggest fears," Blaise answers, "what do you think your Boggart would be, Theodore?"

"Birds." He says seriously. Everyone starts laughing, "You all laugh but they are definitely not real!"


"Black was seen in the castle!" Ellie hears as she is walking down the corridor. She is currently walking to Hagrid's hut to help him out with Buckbeak. She has been visiting him for the past couple weeks and has gotten very close to the kind man.

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