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This is my first ever story so plz be nice lol.

Also, the first two years may be short and lowkey boring, but she doesn't really befriend the Golden Trio until year 3. I just want y'all to meet her, get her backstory, and include friendships she has outside of the trio :)

March 23rd, 1991.

"Ellieeeeee wake upppp," eleven-year-old Eleanor Black hears, feeling someone shake her from her sleep. "There's something in the mail for you." She opens her eyes to see her cousin Draco standing over her with a letter in his hand, addressed to her with green handwriting on the front of the envelope.

"Oh Godric! Draco, do you think it's from Hogwarts?" Ellie says excitedly, scrambling to get the letter from her cousin.

"Of course it's from Hogwarts, there's literally the Hogwarts emblem on the envelope." Draco says. "Also, happy birthday! I can't believe you're eleven."

Eleanore gives her cousin a smile. "I know right." She opens the letter, and reads it. "Dear Ms. Black, we're pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" The young Black reads, jumping up and down.

"This means we're gonna be going to school together!" Ellie exclaims, with Draco rolling his eyes at his cousin's excitement.

"Yeah, yeah, it's very exciting. Let's go downstairs to open your presents!" He says, pulling her out of her room, her letter still in hand.


After opening presents and eating breakfast, Eleanor and Draco decide to play some wizard chess by the fire. In the middle of the game, Narcissa calls for Ellie.

"Yes, Aunt Cissy?" She says, walking into the kitchen where she meets not only her aunt, but also her Uncle Lucius.

"I know you got your Hogwarts acceptance letter, and before you go, we wanted to tell you about your father," Narcissa says. "Before anyone else gets the chance to tell you."

Ellie's heart races. She has always wanted to know about what happened to her parents, but every time she asked, her Aunt and Uncle would say that they will tell her when she's older.

"Sit down, Eleanor." Lucius says, "and we'll tell you."

"So, as you know your father and I are cousins," Narcissa starts. "However, when he got into Hogwarts, he was sorted into Gryffindor, and he was seen as a blood traitor to the family. Especially his parents. He was burned off the family tree."

"He even had a baby with a muggle, your mother." Lucius says, with a slight disgusted look on his face. "However, when you were staying with one of your father's friends, your father... killed your mother, and eleven other muggles in the process."

Ellie gasped, "what? My father... is a murderer?" Tears pricked her eyes, she knew her father was probably not the best man, but she didn't think he would be a killer.

"Not only a murderer, but a Death Eater." Narcissa says, holding her niece's hand. "All you need to know is that Black is now in Azkaban prison." Lucius states.

Eleanor puts her head down, tears streaming down her face. "I can't believe this. Why would you only tell me this now? I should have known about this all along!"

Narcissa gives her a hug, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head. "I'm sorry. We just didn't want you to know about all of this so young, but we needed to tell you before you went to school. Before any rumors started."

Ellie gets up and asks to go to her room. She passes by Draco still sitting by the fireplace.

"What did she want- hey, why are you crying?" He asks, quickly getting up and following his cousin after she didn't say anything. They go up to her room and sit on her bed.

"Come on, El, what's wrong? What happened?" Draco asks. Ellie takes a deep breath and tells her cousin everything.

Afterwards, Draco stays silent. "Wow." he says after a while.

"Yeah. Wow." Ellie repeats. "I just don't understand why they didn't tell me what happened ages ago, instead they give me this bomb on my birthday! I should be celebrating, not crying about my murderous father." She throws her head into her pillow.

"Hey, did they tell you any good things about your dad? Like how he was in Hogwarts?" Draco asks.

Ellie lifts her head up from her pillow. "No, all they said was that he was in Gryffindor, was considered a blood traitor, and had a baby with a muggle. Then they explained he was a murderous lunatic."

The platinum blonde hums in response, then says, "I heard that he was a prankster. Like he and his friends would prank anyone and everyone, especially the Slytherins."

"Draco, can you just leave me alone for a minute? I just need to think about this." Ellie says. He gets up and leaves.

As Eleanore is thinking about what was said today, all she could think about was how strange it was. How could someone who was called a blood traitor, someone who had a baby with a muggle, become a Death Eater?

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