Chapter 7, Year 3

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"You had quite an adventure with Potter," Blaise says. He, Ellie, and Theo are sitting in front of the fire in the Slytherin common room. "Now that you're friends with them I doubt we'll be seeing you much anymore." he teases. It has been a couple days after her side quest saving her innocent father from getting the dementor's kiss and a week before they leave Hogwarts for the Summer. She explained what happened to her friends without mentioning too much, even leaving out Sirius Black proving his innocence.

Eleanor rolls her eyes, "I'm barely friends with them, we just happened to be all going to Hagrid's at the same time. Although she would consider Harry, Ron, and Hermione her friends now, she doesn't want to make her cousin upset, so she decides to hide it.

"You say that now until you get thrown into another adventure next year." Theo says, pushing Ellie slightly.

"Don't get jealous, boys." Ellie teases, "You two are still my best friends. Just don't tell Pansy that."

Blaise and Theo laugh, and start talking about their plans for the Summer. "We should all go to the Quidditch World Cup!" Blaise exclaims. Theo and Ellie agree excitedly.

"And, we have to go back to your villa, Theo." Ellie adds, "It was so much fun last year!" Blaise agrees and they start bothering their friend until he agrees.

"Fine!" Theo says, laughing. "Godric, you two are so immature. You do realize we're going to be in year four next year, right?"


Eleanor is sitting in Professor Lupin's office as he is packing up his things. "I can't believe you're quitting because of such close-minded people!" She angrily says.

Remus chuckles, "It's okay, Ellie. This isn't my first time losing a job because of my... condition. Hello, Harry." He randomly says. Ellie grins at the green-eyed boy's confused expression. "I saw you coming," Remus points at the Marauder's Map. Harry notices his fresh cuts and limp. "I've looked worse. Believe me."

"You've been sacked?" Harry says, realizing he is packing his things.

"No. I resigned, actually."
"Resigned?" Harry questions, "Why?"

"Because of closed minded people." Eleanor repeats what she said earlier.

"Don't listen to her," Remus says. "It seems that someone let slip the nature of my condition. This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving and parents will not want... well someone like me... teaching their children."

"Which is utterly preposterous!" Ellie chimes in, "You're the best Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this school has ever seen!"

Harry nods his head in agreement. "But Dumbledore-"

"Dumbledore has already risked enough on my behalf." Remus calmly says, "Why do you look so miserable, Harry?"

"None of it made any difference. Pettigrew escaped."

"It made all the difference in the world," Remus starts. "You uncovered the truth, you saved an innocent man from a terrible fate! It made a great deal of difference." Harry looks gratefully at Professor Lupin. "If I am proud of anything, it is how much you've learned this year... both of you." He looks at Eleanor who blushes.

"Now, since I am no longer your teacher, I feel no guilt whatsoever giving this back to you." Remus motions to the Marauder's Map, "So now I'll say goodbye, Harry, Eleanor. I feel sure we'll meet again sometime." He taps the map with his wand, "Until then, mischief managed."

Eleanor leaves with Harry, "I still don't see the fairness for you to have both the invisibility cloak AND the Marauder's Map."

Harry rolls his eyes, "I'll let you borrow either one if you want."

Eleanor jumps excitedly "YES!! Thanks, Harry."

"My real name? No Potter?" He smirks, "Careful, Black, I might assume you like me."

She scoffs and pushes him lightly, "You wish." She leaves him to sit with her friends in the Great Hall and he goes to his friends. She sits next to Pansy as the others are making plans for getting tickets to the Quidditch World Cup.

"I feel like I haven't seen you at all the past couple of weeks." Pansy says.

"I know! But we'll definitely see each other over the Summer." Ellie replies, "You have to come to Italy with us this year because I'm not sure if I'd be able to handle just being with the boys again. The two girls laugh, and go back to the others' conversation.

"By the way, El. I almost forgot. You got something in the mail." Draco hands a wrapped box to his cousin. "Theo wanted to open it, but I made sure we waited for you."

"That's a lie! Draco was about to open it!" Theo objects.

Ellie barks a laugh and rips open the package, there is a long velvet box and when opened reveals a beautiful silver necklace with a locket. On the locket is a dragonfly. She gasps, "Oh, this is beautiful!" Opening the locket, she sees a muggle non-moving picture of her when she was a baby with her mother and father. "Who sent this?" She asks, putting it on.

Blaise picks up something off the floor, and hands her a Hippogriff feather. "It seems to have been sent with this. Does it mean anything?"

Ellie grins, realizing it's from her father. "No clue."


After getting off the train, Ellie spots her and Draco's family, "Aunt Cissy!" She runs and gives her a hug. Draco walks over and says hello to his mother.

"HI Ellie, I love your necklace. Is it new?" Narcissa smiles.

"Stop being childish, Eleanor." Lucius snarls and walks away. "Let's go." Ellie's heart skips a beat, she didn't notice her Uncle being there.

"I'm going to say goodbye to my friends first." She says, confidently. She has never gone against her Uncle's words before.

"Very well."

She goes to Blaise and Theo and gives them both a hug. "I'll see you in a couple weeks! Write as much as you can!"

Blaise hugs her back, "Of course, El. Make sure you get Draco to convince Lucius to get tickets for the World Cup." She salutes them with a 'yes, sir' and turns to Pansy.

"See you soon, Pans!" She says, hugging her friend tight. "And think about going to the World Cup. I know you don't like Quidditch, but it'll be fun."

"I'll probably be away with my family anyways, since I am going to Italy when we normally go." Pansy reasons, "You'll have fun either way."

They hug one more time before Ellie walks back to her family, Lucius giving her a glare. They floo back to Malfoy Manor where the atmosphere immediately became colder. She's never noticed how quiet it is here. She goes into her room and takes out Persephone. She gives her a pet and lays down on her bed with the grey cat snuggling next to her. She closes her eyes and falls asleep, holding her new locket in her hand.


Third year is done yayyyy! I hope you guys liked it. Also here is what her locket looks like if anyone was wondering:

It's cute right?! Also sooo excited to start writing for Goblet of Fire :) I might make the first chapter be about her summer with her being in Italy then going to the quidditch world but idk I'll see when I'm writing

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It's cute right?! Also sooo excited to start writing for Goblet of Fire :) I might make the first chapter be about her summer with her being in Italy then going to the quidditch world but idk I'll see when I'm writing.

Thanks sooo much for reading!

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