Chapter 4, Year 2

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"Did you hear about Granger?" Pansy asks as she and Ellie are walking down the corridor..

"No, what happened?" Ellie responds.

"I heard she accidentally used Polyjuice Potion with cat hair, she ended up turning into a big cat with a tail, ears, and grey hair!" She says, laughing.

Ellie giggles, now knowing full well that it was in fact Harry Potter and Ron Weasley that night. It is past Christmas, and the young Black and her friends have been focusing on their classes. She knows they're months away, but Eleanore has been making sure everyone is prepared for their finals.

As they continue walking, the two girls notice water all over the floor. Then, they see Hermione, petrified, with a mirror in her hand. "Oh no!" Ellie says, rushing to the girl's side. "Quick go get a professor!"

Ellie stands at Hermione's bed when she hears McGonagall enter with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. The professor leaves them and Ellie turns to leave, "Sorry."

"Weird that you're the one who found Hermione, when your cousin is the one who hates the three of us." Ron says. "Your father was a Death Eater."

Ellie looks at him angrily, "You don't know me, neither of you. I am getting tired of people thinking I'm like my father when I don't even know him myself." She says, her voice steady. "Do either of you know what he did?" She asks.

The two boys shake their heads. "Me neither. How crazy is that? I barely even know the reason why my own father was thrown into prison." Ellie laughs bitterly, "You know I stood up for you, Harry Potter, I told my friends to stop acting like you were the Heir of Slytherin, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Because I know what it's like to have rumors being made about you."

She turns on her heel and walks out of the Hospital Wing without another word.


Lucius came to Hogwarts to get Dumbledore fired from being Headmaster, making Draco pleased. He, Ellie, and Blaise are all sitting by the black lake, studying for their finals, more or less Ellie is studying and Blaise and Draco are chatting.

"You don't actually hate Dumbledore, Dray." Ellie says, looking up from her notes. "You only think you do because your father hates him."

"No I don't like him because he favors all the other Houses and hates the Slytherin." He says.

Ellie ignores him and goes back to transcribing her notes as Blaise talks about the Chamber of Secrets. "Without Dumbledore, I feel like it's just going to get worse." He says, "He is one of the greatest wizards alive, you know?" Ellie nods her head agreeing with her friend.

"Why are you so worried, anyways Blaise? You're Pureblood." Draco asks.

"It's because he has a crush on Amelia Davies, that muggle-born in Hufflepuff" Ellie giggles. Draco laughs and gets up, leaving to meet with Pansy.

"Come on, El, I told you that in confidence." Blaise complains, "And that's not even the reason why."

"Sorry! If it makes you feel any better, I feel like Draco definitely has a crush on Granger. Why else would he talk about her all the time?"

Blaise and Ellie start laughing, promising never to tell each other's secrets again.


Turns out, Harry Potter and his friends went on another adventure down to the Chamber of Secrets to save Ron's sister, Ginny. In turn, slaying the basilisk (the monster that was petrifying the students), and defeating You Know Who (again). Only You Know Who was 16-years-old, preserved as a memory in his diary. Also, he is friends with the Malfoy family's house elf and tricked Lucius to free him by hiding his sock in a book.

"What kind of 16-year-old boy writes in a diary?" Ellie asks, sitting in the Great Hall.

"I guess You Know Who wrote all of his evil plans in that." Blaise said next to her.

Everyone except Hermione has been unpetrified, but before dinner, she sees the bushy haired girl walk through the doors. She smiles to herself and continues eating.

Dumbledore starts making an announcement, "Before we begin the feast, let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout, Madame Pomfrey, whose Mandrake juice has been so successfully administered to all who had been Petrified."

Everyone claps, besides Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle. Dumbledore continues, "Also, in light of the recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been canceled."

The applause gets louder, but Ellie twists her face, "I've studied so hard!" she complains. Blaise and Pansy laugh at her dismay.

Then, in the middle of his speech, Hagrid walks in. Ellie gasps and smiles.

"Sorry I'm late," he says, "The owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused. Some ruddy bird called Errol." He continues to walk until he reaches Harry Potter and his friends. " And I'd just like to say that if it hadn't been for you, Harry, and Ron, and Hermione, of course... I would, uh... I'd still be you-know-where, so I'd... I'd just like to say thanks." He finishes. Hagrid looks to the Slytherin table and locks eyes with Eleanor, he gives her a kind smile, and Ellie grins back.

"There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid." Harry says.

Dumbledore begins to clap, and doing so leads to the entire Great Hall cheering for the return of Hagrid. Ellie seems to be the only one of her friends clapping, until she nudges Pansy and Blaise next to her and they begrudgingly start clapping too.


"Alright, who guesses Harry Potter saves Hogwarts again next year?" Pansy says, as the group is sitting in the compartment on the way home.

Draco scoffs, "Why are you even mentioning his name?"

"I bet he saves the school from, like, a werewolf or something." Theo says, ignoring Draco.

Blaise shakes his head, "No he'd defeat You Know Who again."

"That's so repetitive, though." Theo says.

"I hope he doesn't need to save the school next year," Ellie says. "I just want one normal year at Hogwarts."


That's a wrap on year two! How is everyone liking the story so far?

Next year Ellie will be more involved in the story TRUST!! 

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