Chapter 1, Year 1

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July 31st, 1991.

Ellie, Draco, Lucius, and Narcissa go into Diagon Alley to get their school supplies. "Why couldn't father come again?" Draco asks.

"Because he's working of course! He's always working." Ellie answers, secretly glad. She knows how much his father's opinion matters to her cousin, so she tries to be respectful. Draco nods in understanding and reads the supplies list.

"First thing we need to get is a set of robes," He says. "I might as well get a green set now, as I'm obviously going to get into Slytherin."

Ellie rolls her eyes playfully, "of course you are Draco."

"You are too, though. You're definitely going to be in Slytherin." Ellie nods her head.

Narcissa goes to Olivander's, and Lucius goes to buy books. Ellie and Draco walk into Madam Malkin's, and Draco gets fitted for his robes first. Ellie sits in a chair beside where he is getting fitted, and he is next to a boy with messy jet-black hair and round glasses.

"Hello," said Draco, "Hogwarts, too?"

"Yes," replied the boy.

Draco starts talking about quidditch and Hogwarts, bragging about his family. Ellie tunes him out, slightly staring at the stranger next to him.

Then she hears, "I say, look at that man! Ellie, do you see him?"

Ellie perks up to see a rather large, hairy, man smiling with two large ice cream cones. The boy says that the man's name is Hagrid, and that he works at Hogwarts as the gamekeeper. She nods her head understandingly.

"...I heard he's a sort of savage- lives in a hut on the school grounds and every now and then gets drunk, tries to do magic, and ends up setting fire to his bed." Draco says with his nose pointed.

"Oh Godric, won't you shut up?" Ellie says, annoyed. She hates when her cousin acts like this, like he's better than everyone.

The boy looks at her gratefully, "I think he's brilliant," he tells Draco coldly.

Draco sneers at him, "Do you? Why is he with you? Where are your parents?"

"Don't be rude!" Ellie exclaims.

"They're dead." The boy says shortly. The girl's heart breaks for him.

"Oh, sorry." Draco says, insincerely.

"That's terrible!" Ellie says, "I understand what it's like living without parents, my mum and dad aren't in the picture either." She mentions, hoping it'll cheer the boy up, knowing he's not alone. He gives a small smile to her, about to say something back.

However, Draco starts up again before he can; "But they were our kind, weren't they?"

"They were a witch and wizard, if that's what you mean." The boy responds to him, obviously getting annoyed with the situation.

"I really don't think they should let the other sort in, do you?"

"Shut up!" Ellie says again.

"They're just not the same, they've never been brought up to know our ways." Her cousin ignores her. "Some of them have never even heard of Hogwarts until they get their letter, imagine. I think they should keep it in the old wizarding families. What's your surname, anyway?

Before the boy could respond, Madam Malkin tells him that he's ready, and he leaves without another word.

After the boy leaves, Ellie says, "Godric, Draco, you can be so rude at times! And why do you have to go around telling people what you think of muggleborns? They're going to be at Hogwarts, you just have to accept it!"

"Whatever, Ellie. It's your turn now." He replies.


Eleanor and Draco do the rest of their shopping, and Narcissa takes them to the last stop; the Magical Menagerie, where they can pick out a pet.

Draco automatically goes towards the owls, and Ellie practically runs to the cats. She looks at all of them, but her eyes land on a beautiful female grey cat with grey eyes.

"Aunt Cissy!" She calls, "I found the one I want!"

Narcissa makes her way to the girl, "oh she is a beauty. I'll get someone to get her." She leaves as Ellie looks at the cat staring back at her with a smile on her face.

"What are you going to name your owl?" Ellie asks Draco, walking out of the pet store. Draco ended up getting an eagle owl.

"I think I'm going to name him Ulysses. What about you?" He says.

"Persephone." She replies, "A pretty name for a pretty cat." Draco hums in response and starts talking about Hogwarts again. As he is talking, Eleanor starts thinking about her own Hogwarts experience. She knows almost everyone is going to know about her father, and they're probably going to assume she's just like him. But she is going to prove them wrong.

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