Chapter 2, Year 2

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A few weeks into the school year, and Ellie can already tell she is not going to enjoy Defense Against the Dark Arts with Gilderoy Lockheart. She can't deny, he is attractive, but that's it. He can't teach, and every spell he tries to perform backfires.

"There's no way he did all that stuff he says he's done in those books." Ellie says to Pansy as they are walking back to the common room.

"I think he's brilliant." Pansy says with a sigh.

"ELLIE!!! PANSY!!!" Draco comes running down the corridor. "I MADE THE QUIDDITCH TEAM!!"

Eleanor gasps and gives her cousin a big hug, "I'm so proud of you! Congratulations!"

Pansy squeals and congratulates him too.

The young Black looks at the broomstick he's holding, "Hey, wait a minute, isn't that-"

"The Nimbus 2001?" Draco finishes her sentence with a smirk, "Yes, it is. My father donated the Slytherin team new broomsticks."

"That's so nice of him!" Pansy says.

"Aren't you nervous people are going to think you bought your way onto the team?" Ellie asks nervously.

"They won't think so after I help the team beat Gryffindor." Draco confidently says.


The four Slytherins are sitting on a bench to watch Draco at Slytherin's practice. Ellie is revising her notes, Blaise and Theo are talking, and Pansy is staring dreamily at Draco. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger are sitting on a bench near them as well.

Blaise nudges Ellie. "Gryffindor is here," he says, "this is not going to end up well."

Ellie and Theo walk up to them, with Theo and Pansy waiting back at the bench.

"Those are Nimbus 2001s. How did you get those?" She hears Ron Weasley say.

Marcus Flint, the Slytherin captain, smirks. "A gift from Draco's father."

"You see, Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best."

Hermione steps up, "At least no one of the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent."

"Hey, my cousin put in a lot of work to get on this team," Ellie defends Draco, glaring at the Gryffindors..

"No one asked for your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood." Draco says.

Ellie's eyes widen and she pushes Draco, "That's too far! Apologize!" She has never heard him say that word before. She's only ever heard her Unlce Lucius say it.

Ron ends up trying to hex Draco, but it backfires and he stars puking up slugs. Draco and the rest of the Slytherins begin to laugh. Ellie just gives her cousin one last push and walks over to Ron, "You should go to Hagrid's, he'll know what to do." Harry and Ron start walking, but the young Black takes Hermione's shoulder. "Don't listen to my idiot cousin, you are the smartest witch in our year."

Granger gives a weak smile, "thanks, you're really smart too."

Ellie thanks her, "you should get going, your friends are waiting for you."


Eleanor and her friends are on their way back from dinner in the Great Hall, she is currently not talking to Draco.

"Come on, El, I didn't mean anything by it." Draco says.

"You're saying a lot of words, but I haven't heard one 'I'm sorry.'" She replies, walking further from him and catching up with Millicent. However, she is stopped short by a wave of students in the corridor. Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris is tied to a torch and Harry Potter is right in the middle of it. Behind her, there is writing on the wall. Ellie's heart breaks for the cat.

"Enemies of the Heir beware?" Draco's voice says behind her, "You'll be next, Mudbloods."

Ellie turns around and slaps his chest, "Stop, Draco, I mean it."

Filch begins blaming Harry, then Dumbledore shows up and tells everyone besides Harry, Ron, and Hermione to go back to their dormitories.

On their way back, Ellie is walking next to Theo. "And just when I thought we were going to have a normal year." She says.

"I know right," Theo says. "Weird that it's all surrounding Harry Potter's little group again. Don't you agree?"

Ellie nods, "yeah seems he has a knack for being the center of attention. What do you think the 'Chamber of Secrets' is?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "I'm not sure, do you?"

"I feel like I've heard my Uncle mention it before. But I don't really know anything about it." She says

"I guess it's only a matter of time before we find out."


In Transfiguration with the Gryffindors a couple weeks later, Hermione Granger decides to ask Professor McGonagall about the Chamber of Secrets. Ellie eyebrows raise, curious.

"Well, you all know, of course, that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age: Godric Gryffindo, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Now three of the founders coexisted quite harmoniously. One did not." McGonagall explains, "Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed magical learning should be kept within all-magic families. In other words, pure-bloods. Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. Now, according to legend, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle, known as the Chamber of Secrets. Well, shortly before departing, he sealed it, until that time when his own true heir returned to the school. The Heir alone would be able to open the Chamber, and unleash the horror within, and by so doing, purge the school of all those who, in Slytherin's view, were unworthy to study magic."

"Muggleborns." Hermione says.

"Well, naturally the school has been searched many times. No such Chamber has been found."

Hermione asks another question; "Professor, what exactly does legend tell us lies within the Chamber?"

"Well, the Chamber is said to be home to something that only the Heir of Slytherin can control. It is said to be the home of a monster." 

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