Chapter 1, Year 4

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Eleanor Black, daughter of Sirius Black, is currently swimming in the pool with her friends Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, and her cousin Draco Malfoy. She is in Italy visiting Theo and his family's Villa, but it is the last day.

"I can't believe we're leaving soon," Pansy pouts. I won't see you guys until we get back to Hogwarts."

"Spare me, Pansy. You'll be traveling around Spain this Summer I assume?" Blaise says.

"The Netherlands, actually."

Eleanor and the boys laugh, knowing Pansy will be having the time of her life traveling with her family. "I'm excited for the Quidditch World Cup!" Ellie excitedly adds. "Ireland vs. Bulgaria! And the Bulgarian team has Victor Krum as their seeker!"

"Same, even though Draco will be in the Minister's box with his father and we'll be in the nosebleeds." Theo whines.

"If I could bring everyone, I would." Draco says, putting his hands up as if to say 'don't blame me.' He's started to get a bigger head this Summer, especially since he and Pansy finally have started sort-of dating.

Ellie rolls her eyes, "whatever, we're going to have more fun than you will. You'll be too busy kissing your daddy's arse."

Theo and Blaise laugh while Draco scoffs and Pansy comforts him. "Okay, let's not fight on our last day." Blaise mediates, sensing the tension between the cousins. "How about we go to town and grab some coffee? Theo, our translator, lead the way please."


Dear Remus,

I hope you're doing well, and your new job isn't too stressful. I don't know what I'm going to do without you as our DADA professor. Hopefully our new one isn't bad- they have a lot to live up to. I also hope you're feeling better after the full moon last week.

My Summer has been fun so far, I just got home from Italy visiting my friend Theo, I'm sure you remember him. Blaise says hi, too. I am also going to the Quidditch World Cup in a few weeks, so Theo came back with us and will be staying here for the rest of the Summer.

I don't know how I'm going to deal with both him and my cousin, I'll have to leave to visit you, and Padfoot, again soon. I also haven't seen Potter since Hogwarts, but I'm sure he's fine. I also heard he'll be at the World Cup as well, so I may see him there. Draco has been a pain recently, especially since he started dating Pansy, even though he tells me they aren't dating. If they aren't dating then why is Pansy sending him more letters than me?

Please give the other letter to Padfoot when you have a chance, and write soon!

Eleanor Black

Ellie folds up the letter and begins writing her other one,

Dear Padfoot,

I got your letter, and no Draco did not appreciate the dungbomb I left in his room. Which is rude because I thought it was a very thoughtful gift. Anyways, my Summer has been eventful, if you ask Remus he can tell you about it.

Uncle Lucius has been worse than ever this Summer, ridiculing me for everything I do, even if it's something as simple as forgetting to take my shoes off when I walk through the door. He even used the cruciatus curse on me the other day because I accidentally broke one of their plates. It's been hard dealing with it, but talking to you and my friends has made me stronger.

I wish you could meet my friends Blaise and Theo, I really think you'd like them (even if you hate Slytherins). I want to visit you again soon, but the letters are alright for now. I understand how hard it must be, in hiding. I hope your name gets cleared soon.

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