Chapter 1, Year 2

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Welcome back to Hogwarts! Year two is here and probably won't be a lot of chapters :/ I'm trying to include Ellie in some important moments with the Slytherins and the golden trio. 

Thanks for reading!

August 2nd, 1992

Eleanor Black, her cousin Draco Malfoy, her Aunt Narcissa, and her Uncle Lucius are walking around Diagon Alley to get the kids' supplies for their year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. While Draco and Lucius go to Knockturn Alley, Narcissa and Ellie go to the pet shop to get cat food and a toy for her grey cat, Persephone.

They find everything they need, and all they need to get is their books. Narcissa decides to go to the ice cream parlor to wait while Lucius, Draco, and Ellie go to Flourish and Blotts.

As they're there, they see the only person Eleanor was hoping to avoid, Harry Potter, next to Gilderoy Lockhart, taking a picture for the Daily Prophet. The young Black rolls her eyes, knowing Draco is going to have a field day with his worst enemey being here. Draco pulls her down the stairs to greet Potter and his friends.

"Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter? Famous Harry Potter, can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page." Draco sneers.

Ellie stands beside her cousin with her arms crossed, waiting for this to be over so she can get ice cream. Then a little red-haird girl stands up for Potter, "Leave him alone."

Eleanor can't help but laugh at the scene, which makes Draco laugh. "Aww she's so cute!" She says.

"Harry Potter... you've got yourself a girlfriend!" Draco exclaims.

Lucius stalks up behind the two Slytherins and puts his cane on Draco's shoulder. "Now, now, Draco, Eleanor. Play nicely." He says, which makes Ellie stop immediately, covering up her smile. He ends up talking to Harry Potter, and takes the books from the littlest Weasley's cauldron. Arthur Wealsey walks up to the scene, and begins talking to Lucius.

"Associating with Muggles..." Lucius places the little girl's books back into her cauldron, "and I thought your family could sink no lower. I'll see you at work."

Draco, immitating his father, says; "I'll see you at school." He turns around, "Come on, Ellie." She follows the Malfoy's out of the store, slightly feeling guilty about that whole debacle and laughing at that girl. Then, she got chocolate ice cream and she felt better.


September 1st, 1992

Ellie wakes up to the sound of Dobby, the house elf, being... punished again. She absolutely hates it when her Uncle Lucius does this to their house elf, but the last time she told Dobby to stop hitting himself wasn't pretty. Let's just say she saw the side of Lucius Malfoy she hates to see.

However, she realizes that it is September 1st! She'll finally see her friends again and learn new spells at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She gets up and runs across the hall to her cousin, Draco Malfoy's room.

"DRACO WAKE UPPPPPP!" She yells, walking into his room. The platinum blonde jolts awake, groaning.

"In the name of Salazar Slytherin I will murder you." Draco grumbles.

Ellie barks a laugh, "Come on! It's time to get ready to go to Hogwarts!" She cheers then runs out of his room to get changed. She picks Persephone, her grey cat, up and hugs her. She changes into jeans and a t-shirt, then brushes her teeth and does her hair into a braid. She packed the night before, so she asks her Uncle Lucius to help bringing her trunk downstairs, then takes Persephone in her carrier and goes downstairs to wait for her Aunt Narcissa and grumpy cousin.

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