143. Management

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"143" "I love you" LOL

Starting today, I will incorporate studying accountancy. I don't need to wait for the "right" time - today is it, not "one day" but "day one."


Prioritize and Schedule Your Time:

Block off a consistent 2-3 hour window each day specifically for accountancy study and practice.

Treat this time as non-negotiable in your schedule, just like work or other important commitments.

Identify and minimize time spent on non-essential activities to free up study time.

Optimize Your Routine:

Wake up earlier if needed to fit in your accountancy study before other daily obligations.

Utilize small pockets of time, like commutes or lunch breaks, for review and reinforcement.

Batch errands and chores to create longer, uninterrupted study sessions.

Integrate Accountancy into Your Lifestyle:

Find ways to make accountancy learning enjoyable, like listening to relevant podcasts or audiobooks.

Discuss what you're learning with others to solidify the concepts.

Seek out real-world applications of accountancy principles in your daily life.

Optimize Your Learning Approach:

Experiment with different study techniques like flashcards, practice problems, and online courses.

Take regular breaks to avoid burnout and maintain productivity.

Periodically assess your progress and adjust your study plan as needed.

Build a Support System:

Inform family and friends about your accountancy learning goals so they can provide encouragement.

Consider joining an accountancy study group or online community for peer support and accountability.

Enlist the help of a mentor or tutor if you need additional guidance.

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