Chapter 1: Nova

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"Dusty Spaces"

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"Dusty Spaces"

Wow, I think to myself. This place is really perfect in person. I've only seen the photos the realtor showed me online. Moving to a small town was always my dream, along with my pops. We picked the place out before he passed away and it will always be special to me. The shop is a wonderful red brick building with large windows. There are large green planter boxes on the windows on the top floor where the apartment is. The flowers are dead but that's an easy fix. I can't wait to turn this into something beautiful.

Walking towards the door I set down the boxes in my hand. Where is that key again? I search each pocket looking for my keys. Finding the keys in my left back pocket I unlocked the door. Stepping inside, I set the boxes on the nearest table and get a good look at my shop. I finally made it real. It's really mine. Pops would be so proud of me. It took years of hard work and different jobs to get here, but we did it. I did it.

My own bakery. Tears fill my eyes but I don't let them fall. I worked so hard to get here. I can't and won't let anything get in my way. It will be a lot of hard work but I know I can do this. Pops would want me to be successful. He always knew what my dream was. He's the one who pushed me to do this even though I was scared. It's all because of him that I even made it this far.

Man, this place sure is dusty. I think to myself and I sneeze. I take my phone from my pocket and pull up my music app. If I'm going to have this place ready for opening day I need to clean it up quickly. I've sure got a load on my hands. It's a disaster. Searching for the right playlist, I finally selected something from Chappell Roan. She's been my favorite artist for weeks now.

Setting down my phone I look around for the cleaning supplies the realtor left me as a 'gift'. The shop has been sitting long enough for dust to fill all the spaces. It will take awhile to clean, but nothing can take away the happiness I feel right now. I find a broom and I start sweeping up the mess around me. That's when I hear the bell above my door ring. How odd I know people know this shop is closed.

"We're not open yet." I yell with no reply. I finally look up and don't see anyone right away, but I know I heard the door open. I head towards the front and I don't see anything at first but that's when I hear a sniffle. I look over the counter and that's when I see a little girl in overalls with flowers all over them, crying and looking around with a worried expression.

Oh no. I wonder how she got away from her parents. I'll have to try to figure that one out. "Hey sweetie, what's your name?" The little girl just stares right at me without an answer. Well this was unexpected. I'm not very good with children but I need to figure something out. I can't just ignore her. The poor thing just looks so upset.

"My name's Nova, I just bought this building. I'm going to turn it into a bakery." I wave my hands around the room excitedly "Do you have a favorite treat you like to eat?" The little girl looks around the shop with an odd expression, but she finally speaks.

"I do like chocolate chip muffins. I make them with my grandma sometimes." She mumbles. Okay, we're getting somewhere. She answered that question for me. Let's see if I can handle this.

"Oh really? I do as well. Though lemon muffins are my favorite." She scrunches her nose and gives me a puzzled look. I let out a little giggle. That's not the first time I've seen that face from someone. Lemons are hard to bake with but you can make something tasty from them if you try hard enough.

"Lemons? Like the sour yellow things? I'm not sure I'd like that very much." I give her a small smile and nod my head. She is really sweet. I wonder If she will answer my question now. So I ask again lightly.

"Spot on. So what's your name? Are you okay?" Shifting her feet around she looks at her pink shoes and ever so quietly she says. "Eleanor."

"Well hello Eleanor. I'm sure glad you stopped by. Where is your grown up today?" She looks at me with wide eyes and starts to cry. Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. I start waving my hands back and forth. What should I do? I've not been in this situation before. Think Nova, think.

"Oh sweetie, It's okay. Don't cry. Do you have a grown up we can call? I have my phone right here. We can call anyone you'd like. Let me just grab my phone real quick." I turn around and go grab my phone off the shelf I left it on. I pause the music that's been playing in the background.

Looking out the window frantically I don't see anyone outside. I squat down next to her and meet her eyes. I try to hand over my phone and her eyes go wide.

"Lets see, I can call anyone you'd like. Do you have a special grown up that we can call?" Wiping her face off she looks at the window and then back to me. She nods her head and I release the air I was holding in. Now I think we both feel a little better.

"Well, we can call my uncle Madz. He said I can always call him if I need him. I do remember his phone number by heart." Madz? What an odd name but If that's who she's comfortable calling then I'll take it. I give her a wide smile. Awesome now she's starting to calm down.

"Okay, that sounds good to me. Lets call your uncle Madz then, okay?" Handing her my phone so she feels more in control, she slowly grabs it and starts to dial a number. "I'm sure we can figure this out together."

"His name is Madz. He's my mommy's brother. I was with her today, but I got lost and I couldn't find her. That's why I came in here. I saw you through the window and I came inside." I tilt my head to the side and smile back at her. I don't want her to worry. Ringing fills the silence in the shop.

Well I'm sure glad I left the front door unlocked now. I wouldn't want her just walking the streets. We finally hear a click on the line and an angry sounding man comes through. Eleanor slowly hands over the phone with a smile on her face. "It's him! He picked up! I knew he would." She smiles up at me.

"Who the fuck is this?" Well okay then. This isn't how I thought the call would go. I reach for the phone and take it off speaker. This definitely sounds like It will be an adult conversation.

"Umm. Hello, this is Nova. I just bought the shop on Keller street." I hear some banging in the background as I start to speak again. "I'm here with Eleanor. She got away from her mother and she decided to call you." Silence fills the line and I hear a mumble of 'Fuck.'

"Well shit, is she okay? She's not hurt or anything is she?" At least he sounds worried. Looking her over. I see nothing physically wrong with her she just seems really upset but I can handle that.

"She seems to be okay, just a little upset." Eleanor gives me a small smile and grabs my hand. I give her a little squeeze and smile back at her. Ugh my heart is melting. This child is just too sweet.

"Well alright, I'm at the auto shop that's right down the road from you. I'll head on over. Can you keep an eye on her for me? Just give me five minutes." Giving her hand another squeeze and smile.

"That won't be a problem at all. I can sit here with my new friend. I'm sure we will have all kinds of stuff to talk about. We'll see you in just a few then Madz. Goodbye." He hangs up without even saying goodbye back so I slip my phone into my back pocket. He sounded a little scary but I trust Eleanor to call someone safe. Even though I just met the kid. I turn back to her and sit down crisscross applesauce on the floor.

"So, tell me about these chocolate chip muffins you make with your grandma. I'd love to hear the recipe." I give her a wink and she gives me a light giggle. I'm glad I got her calmed down. That wasn't as hard as I thought. I think I handled this very well. I think to myself as we wait for her uncle. Eleanor fills my shop with laughter and stories about her grandmother and her making all kinds of sweets.

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