Chapter 5: Nova

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"Funny feelings"

I'm a little chilly and extremely uncomfortable. Where am I? Then it all hits me at once. I start to roll over and feel an arm wrap around me. I gasp and start to push away from whoever has their hold on me frantically. Thrashing in whoever has a hold on me.

"Nova. It's okay, it's just me." I start to settle and open my eyes. I notice it's Madz laying on a couch with me. We seem to be in an office. It must be the tattoo shop, I see pictures of artwork all over the walls. I close my eyes and start to remember how I got here.

Madz hold on me tightens and he lays his face on my neck and inhales. I really hope I don't stink. Not only did I drive for hours yesterday, I've yet to take a shower. My stomach lets out a grumble and I'm sure Madz can hear it. He lets out a chuckle. Well that was embarrassing.

"Let's go get you some food so you can take some of your medicine. Baby, were not done talking about what happened but I need to feed you first." Standing up without letting go of my hand he pulls me into him. He grabs my face and ever so gently kisses the tip of my nose.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you. It won't happen again." Why is he apologizing? He didn't do anything. He found me and kept me safe. I should be thanking him.

"Let's go see what Tess's special is today." He starts to walk away and I stand still. Tess? Who the hell is Tess? I thought he was single but I guess not. Why do I feel this way?

"Nova? What's wrong?" I don't know why I feel so jealous. I've just met this man and have no claim over him. He's free to be with anyone he wants.

"Who is Tess?" I find myself asking. Madz just gives me a funny look and a slow smile appears on his face. What the hell is he smiling for?

"Darlin', Tess owns the diner. She's beautiful but she's like sixty years old. You've got nothing to worry about. You're all I want." My cheeks start to burn at the embarrassment. What is wrong with me.

Walking towards Madz I look down and notice he's never let go of my hand. I find myself smiling. This big burly biker sure seems to be touchy. We start walking towards the front door of the shop and he locks the door behind us.

"How is your head? Are you okay to walk? I have my bike but I don't feel comfortable with you riding right now. I can have a prospect bring me my cage but it's only a few streets over." A cage? Prospect? That man must have shattered my brain because I have no clue what this man is even talking about.

"I can see the gears turning in your head. Let me explain a few things to you. A prospect is someone who wants to join our club. They run errands for us and clean shit up. Basically, they do whatever the fuck we ask of them. So they can earn a spot in the club. We don't just let anyone in because it's not safe. Depending on how hard they work and the trust they built, determines how long they have to prospect for us." He says without missing a beat.

"Okay. What the hell is a cage?" He chuckles at me and I love the smile I see on his face. He really is beautiful.

"Darlin', a cage is a car. We call them that because when we are inside them we feel like an animal. Caged up inside and not free like we are on our bikes." My stomach lets out another growl. I put my hands on my stomach and start to blush.

"When was the last time you ate?" I have to think about it because so much has happened, then I remember I haven't eaten much at all.

"I ate a protein bar yesterday for lunch. I think that was it." I tug on his arm and I get yanked back. I noticed Madz has stopped walking and he's looking at me.

"That's the last thing you ate? After working all day then what happened in the alley?" I just glare at him. Who does he think he is?

"It's not like I knew this would happen Madz. I was heading to grab dinner when this happened." I try to remove my hand from his and glare at him even harder. "I didn't know I'd be attacked. I didn't ask for this."

"I know. I just don't like the idea of you not eating. I want you to be healthy." I nod my head and grab his hand once again. I start walking and hope I'm heading in the right direction. We walk to the diner and it looks like a sweet little spot.

From what I can see, it's an old school looking place. We walk inside and I can smell everything. Pancakes, bacon, and eggs. I look around and notice how nice this place is. The floors are checkered and the booths are red and white. I smile. My dad would have loved to come here.

Madz pulls me around to a booth in the back. Where he can look over everyone. He sits me down first and then sits right next to me. I've never had a date sitting next to me. Wait. This isn't a date. Madz is just making sure I'm okay. Shaking my head I settle into the seat.

"So what do you like to eat? They serve breakfast all day but they have lunch and dinner options as well." He asks without even opening a menu that sits next to the napkins. He must come here a lot if he's got that memorized.

"Well, what do you typically get to eat? I'm not picky?" He takes my menu and places it back with a smirk. He winks and I wonder what I've got myself into.

"Don't worry, I've got just the thing." He waves over a server and looks back at me. Oh boy.

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