Chapter 4: Madz

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"Taking out the trash"

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"Taking out the trash"

"Tiny, get your ass over here and help me with the trash." Tiny chuckles and shakes his head at me. He grabs a few bags and we walk towards the dumpster.

"Whatever you say Prez." Tiny is our enforcer. He's a giant fucking beat of a man. He's built like a linebacker. Around 6 '4 and weighs 270 pounds. We gave him the name Tiny as a joke and it just took off.

We open the door and that's when I see something from the corner of my eye, and hear a woman's whimper. I start to walk closer and notice its Nova on the ground. Dropping the bags, I sprint towards her. What the fuck happened to her and why in the fuck is she back here. I'm pissed just seeing her on the ground in this dirty ass alley all alone.

"Nova? Nova, darlin'. Open your eyes for me." I bend over and go to grab her. Bending over I move hair from the front of her face. I pick her up and pull her close.

Nova starts to wiggle in my arms and I tighten my hold. She doesn't open her eyes right away and my chest starts to tighten. Who hurt her. I'll figure it out and destroy them. Blinking a few times, Nova finally opens her eyes fully. Nova looks at me and her deep green eyes I love so much are filled with tears.

"I...I was leaving the hardware store and someone pulled me back here." I can feel the anger continue to grow inside my chest. I let out a deep breath and loosen my hold on her so I don't hurt her.

"Who? What did they look like?" Nova looks at me and all I can see is fear. It crushes my soul and I pull back some. I've gotta calm down. I need to figure out who did this to her. I don't want her to be scared of me.

"Baby are you hurt? Did they hurt you?" I didn't even notice her trembling in my arms. I need to pay better attention. Nova starts to shake her head but I can feel her wince. I pull my hand away from the back of her head and that's when I notice the blood. The anger starts to boil again and I can fill my pulse in my ears.

"Fuck, your bleeding. Tiny, call Saint. The back of her head is fucking bleeding. Darlin', our club's doctor is on his way. He'll check you out. I'm just going to bring you inside. It's dark out here and I need to get a good look at you."

Nova cuddles up closer and lays her head on me. That's when she closes her eyes and stops responding. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. "Baby you've gotta stay awake for me okay. I need you to open your eyes." She isn't responding to me at all. Standing up with her I hold her close and start to bark orders. Silence fills the empty spaces around me as I start to head towards the shop's doors.

"Tiny open that door and find a blanket she's shaking. I need to warm her up." Tiny listens and heads towards the door. He opens it and lets me go in first.

"Who the hell is she Prez?" I stop and glare at my enforcer. This is not the time for asking questions. Nova's hurt and I'm starting to feel sick. I'm so pissed something happened to her. She was so close and I didn't even know what was happening.

"None of your fucking business, just do what I asked. Now's not the time for introductions." Racing towards the office. I kick open the door and sit down with Nova on the leather couch. I don't even know how bad her head is. I don't even want to remove my hand till Saint gets here. Tiny walks in with a small blanket then when it feels like forever, Saint finally walks in.

"What's going on Prez? What happened?" I sit back with Nova and scan the room for my phone. Seeing it on the desk, I remember we just set up cameras out back. I'll pull up the live feed and see what happened.

"I don't know, I found her in the alley on the ground like this. She said someone pulled her back there. We just set up cameras out back." The cameras better have caught something or I'll be pissed. I stand with Nova and gently set her down. I let Saint get to work.

"You better be gentle with her doc, or I'll beat your ass. You hear me." Walking towards the desk I turn on the monitor. I click the files for the cameras and what I see pisses me off even more. I see someone in a cut all too familiar. A Silver Serpents cut. I knew those fuckers where waiting to pull some shit, but I didn't think they would go this far. I can feel the wood under my hands start to crack.

"So what's wrong? Why the fuck is she still out?" Saint pulls back and lays Nova's head down gently. He gathers his items and places them back into his bag.

She seems to be in shock, that's possibly why she is still asleep. Her head wound isn't bad but we still need to keep an eye on it." I start pacing the office. I walk over to Nova and glance down at her. I didn't expect my rival club to attack someone. Let alone someone who's not even a part of the club. They touched the wrong woman and I'll get my revenge. That's one thing for sure.

"Here are some painkillers for her head. It's not much but it's something. Have her take them every few hours and make sure she eats with them. She will have to have someone stay with her tonight. I'm not comfortable with her being alone tonight. I'll check in with you to see how she's doing later on." She isn't leaving my sight at all, that's for sure. She can either stay at her apartment or my house but she won't be alone. Fuck that.

"I'll keep my eyes on her. Tiny, did you send out the message?" I mumble over my shoulder. Saint gives me a chin lift and heads out the door and Tiny walks back over to me.

"Yeah Prez, everyone got the message and will be ready." I sure hope they are because the Silver Serpents won't be around much longer. They fucked with the wrong club. This ends once and for all. Tiny nods to me and walks out the door. He leaves Nova and I alone. I climb in behind her and pull her close. Softly settling behind her.

"No one will touch you ever again. That's a promise." I close my eyes and even though my anger has me wide awake I can feel my body start to relax with Nova in my arms. I hear her whimper and it breaks my soul. I pull her in closer and just hug her tighter. She starts to settle in my arms and I feel myself falling asleep. My last thoughts are that this will never happen to her again.

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