Chapter 10: Madz

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Pulling into the clubhouse. I put my truck in park and jumped out. I see Gears, my road captain and Cash, my treasurer standing outside.

"Yo Prez, where ya been?" Gears ask as he heads towards the door.

"I heard from Tiny that he was with his lady friend." Cash says with a shit eating grin. Tiny has a loud ass mouth.

"I'll tell you in church. Round up the brothers and let them know it's time." I head inside and head towards the chapel. It's where we lead all our meetings. I see that everyone has filtered in and is already to go. That's why I love my club. The brothers don't mess around and know when shits serious. They always have my back, just like I have theirs.

"We have a problem brothers. The Sliver Serpents fucked around and hurt my Ol' lady." I can hear the brothers start to talk over each other. Everyone has something to say.

"Ol' lady? When did you go and get yourself an Ol' lady Prez?" Ryder, my secretary asked.

"Her name is Nova. She bought the shop on Keller street. She was attacked by the enforcer from the SSMC yesterday. I stayed with her last night. I sent Beau and Axel to keep an eye on her." I can hear the anger from my men from hearing a woman was attacked. We don't take that shit lightly.

"What the fuck are we going to do about it." Gears growls at me. He hates when women are hurt. His sister was attacked once and we took care of it. We don't fuck around with hurting women or children. That's not the type of men we are.

"That's why I called church. We all need to come up with a plan. They not only touched a woman, but they touched something that's mine." I bark. I hear hoots and hollering from around the room and smile. I knew my brothers would have my back.

"I've got video evidence from the tattoo shop's camera feed. She was taken into the alley way. He shoved her against the brick wall and busted the back of her head open."

"What the fuck. Is she okay? Did she need to go to the hospital?" Ryder asks with worry in his voice.

Saint jumps in. "She's alright, I checked over her yesterday. A little sore for a few days but she will be okay after that." Nodding my head in thanks. I look back to my men.

"So here's what's going to happen." My brothers all listen to the plan and give me advice.

After a few hours we came up with a solid plan. We're all on the same page and ready to go. We head out of chapel and head on over to our bikes.

We leave behind Saint and the last prospect Knox to keep an eye on the clubhouse.

Starting our bikes, Gears leads us to the SSMC's clubhouse. After a two hour ride we pull into their gates when one of their prospects comes walking out asking us what we want.

"We need to meet with your Prez. Now." I offer in a tone that's deadly. I leave no room for him to talk back. He walks back into the small building and radios over who I assume is the president.

"Okay, he said he will see you." The prospect then opens the gates for us. The gate is old as shit and the prospect struggles with opening it.

We all start our bikes again and pull into some spots by the side of their building. Windows boarded closed and weeds filled places. It looks like shit here. At least our clubhouse is nice. The president steps outside of the door.

"What can I do for you boys?" He asks with a smirk and I clench my teeth together. Trying to hold it together. We need to stick to the plan.

"Your enforcer touched my woman." I say holding back my anger as much as I can. I feel like a volcano about to erupt.

"He did? When did the big bad Madz get an Ol' lady?" I get ready to yell when Tiny yells from behind me.

"Doesn't matter if she was an Ol' lady or not. Women and children are off the table. You already knew that." Tiny yells from behind me.

"I'll have a chat with him and see what he has to say about this. So Ghost, did you touch his lady friend?" He asks Ghost and he sends me an evil grin.

"Nope." He looks right at me and laughs. That son of a bitch is lying. I saw it with my own eyes and I'm about to let them know it.

"We've got cameras saying otherwise. You were stupid enough to leave your cut on dumbass." I'm so glad I had set those cameras up. I would have never had the proof without them.

Tank looks over at Ghost with so much anger in his eyes. Probably didn't expect us to catch them. Fucking idiots all of them.

"I guess you caught him huh, nothing gets past you Madz." I can feel the venom from his voice.

"I'm not here to play games with you Tank!" I yell as I step closer to him. His men step up and so do mine and I hold out my hand to stop them.

"What do you want to happen Madz?" I think about the plan that we talked about in church and hold back what I really want to do to them.

"I want you and your men to stay away from my fucking town. I want him to feel the pain she felt. I told you once before were not ones to fuck with. We've already had one meeting. I won't be having another with you." Staying calm and clenching my fist I step back. Looking at Ghosts with so much hatred.

"Well then you and your men can show him what happens when they break the rules." His arms open wide and he looks towards Ghost.

Ghost turns white and looks at Tank. Giving him a 'What the fuck look.' look. I'll gladly be the one to take care of him. Let him suffer even more than Nova did.

"With pleasure." I say as I walk up to Ghost. I signal to the men that he's mine. They all stop and wait for me to take action.

I throw my fist into his face and I can feel the bones crush under my fist. He tries to block my hits but I'm faster. I rained punches all over his body but he got one good hit in. I'm so pissed that there is no way he could overthrow me. I can't even feel anything he's doing to me.

"I think that's enough. He's learned his lesson." Tank says under clenched teeth.

"It's over when I say it's over." I get a few more hits and Ghost falls to the ground. I get a couple of kicks in before I finish him off. He deserves more but it will have to wait. I'll catch him another time and finish what I started.

"Any of you dumb fucks come around again, it will be more than just an ass kicking. You understand me?" I can feel my whole body shaking and I know I need to control myself.

"Got it." Tank says with so much anger in his voice. I don't give a fuck though. Now he feels the anger I felt when I saw what happened to Nova. I start to walk away when I look at Ghost one last time. I spit some blood onto his face and walked away.

"Stay out of my town and away from our women. This is your last warning." With that I wave my men over to the bikes and we head out. I can tell that this is just the beginning. When I said this was war. I meant it. Now, all I need to do is get back to my Nova.

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