Chapter 9: Nova

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"Big Dill"

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"Big Dill"

Sunlight filters through my room, and I feel a weight laying on top of me. I look over and see Madz leg and arm slung over my body. His other arm under me holding me close. Smiling to myself I roll on my side.

"Good morning, beautiful. How long have you been up?" Madz's voice is rough and deep from his sleep. Man, I can get used to this.

"Not long, I just woke up. What are your plans for today? You said you had to meet up with your friends." I sit up and stretch out my arms with a yawn. My body is so sore and I can't tell if it's from this air mattress or from my attack.

"My brothers and I are having church. We need to talk about the next step." His face grows very serious. I don't ever want to make him mad. That's one scary face.

"Will you guys be safe? I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me." I grab his hand and squeeze it tightly stroking my fingers back and forth over his knuckles.

"I can't promise you that no one will get hurt, but what I can promise you is that I'll always do my best to come back to you." I flop back down and close my eyes. I really don't like this but I know I can't stop him from doing this.

"Okay, as long as you stay safe." That's all I ask." Madz and I both get off the air mattress and stretch. That wasn't comfortable at all. I need to get that bed ASAP.

"Darlin', I'm having the prospects bring you a new bed today. No way in hell am I sleeping on that thing again." I can't let him do everything. I don't want him to think I'm using him.

"Oh no, you don't need to do that. I'll get one soon. I just need to look around first." Madz walks around the bed and tugs me close. He softly hipsters into my ear. The warmth from his breath sends a shiver down my whole body.

"I've already got my mind set on that. You can't change it. I'm a stubborn man and I get what I want. Always. I'll have them pick up the same bed I have back at the clubhouse." Madz shakes his head and looks deep into my eyes.

"Okay, though I'm paying for it." I let out a huff of air. It's the least I can do. I can afford a new bed. I had that in my budget for when I started my move.

"Not a chance, don't even think about it." I roll my eyes and walk down the hallways towards the kitchen. This man is something else. I turn the coffee maker on and grab two mugs.

"How do you take your coffee?" I should have already guessed what his answer would be.

"Black is fine. Thank you." Such a biker answer.

I wait for the coffee to filter through and I pour it into both of the mugs. I head to the fridge and pull out my caramel creamer. I walk over to Madz and hand him his mug.

"Thank you, I like your mug." He says with a smirk. It's a coffee mug with a pickle on it that says 'I'm kind of a big dill.' It's something my dad got me for my birthday. Mugs were our thing.

"Thanks, it was from my dad." I turn away from Madz to hide the overwhelming feelings on my face. Guilt and sadness fills my mind.

"Does he buy you a lot of mugs? You seem to have a collection over there." I can feel his eyes on me and I hear him walking towards me.

"He used to, but he passed away." Madz face drops and he sets his mug down. I can see the sadness wash over his face.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. When did you lose him?" He leans into me and gives me a light hug. Stroking my back softly. I sniffle trying to keep my sobs at bay.

"It was about a year ago. He had cancer, it was aggressive and fast." Tears start to well in my eyes and I let them fall. Madz turns me to face him and thumbs away my tears, and kisses my nose.

"Tell me about him." There is just so much to say about my dad, I don't know where to start.

"Well, He was amazing. He believed in me even when I thought I couldn't do it. He pushed me without being overbearing about it. He taught me everything I know today. He's the one that taught me how to bake, the reason why I'm opening this bakery." I take a step away needing the space for a minute. Madz just looks into my eyes like he understands and for that I am grateful.

"We used to bake every Thursday on his days off. Muffins, cakes, and pies. You name it, we baked it. His mom taught him and it was important to him that I knew as well. I loved spending time with him. My mom used to get jealous of how much time he spent with me. I feel like that's a big reason why their marriage ended." Guilt eats at me thinking everything was my fault.

I set my coffee down and look towards the window. "When he started to get sick, the baking slowed down but we never stopped. Even on his worst days, he would spend that time with me. He was so strong." I let the sobs take over and Madz heads towards me.

"He sounds like he was an amazing man. I can tell by the way you talk about him, how important you were to him." I smile and look back towards him.

"Yeah, he always let me know how much he loved me. He showed me what true love really felt like. How about your family? I know about Eleanor and your mom. How about your father?" His lips flatten and I regret asking the question.

"You don't have to answer that. I shouldn't have asked, that was rude of me." I place my hand on his chest and I feel him relax.

"No, it's fine. He didn't stick around for long so I don't know much about him. He left soon after Heather, my sister was born. He wasn't fit to be a dad is what our mother told us. He just wasn't ready to be one. It was good he wasn't around, my mom was better off without him. She showered us with love. I never knew what I was missing out on because of it." His mother sounds wonderful. I can't wait to meet her. She sounds like my dad in some ways.

"That's wonderful that you guys all had her. She sounds like an amazing mother. I hope I get to meet her one of these days." His face brightens and I'm glad. I was worried I had upset him.

"Don't worry, that's my plan. I plan on showing you off to everyone." I turn and look at the clock and it's almost 7:30.

"What time do you have to be at the clubhouse? It's almost eight." Madz walks over and checks his phone. He gives a little shake to his head.

"I should probably head on over now. I've got a few messages from the boys wondering where I'm at. What are your plans for the day?" He pockets his phone in his vest thing.

"Same as yesterday. Clean up the shop and get it ready. It's still a mess. I really need to work a little faster." With my body as sore as it is, I'm not sure how much work I'll get done though.

"I'll send Beau and Axel over to help you out. They are two of our prospects. I don't want you left alone after what happened last night. You can put them to work, they need it." I walk over to Madz and grab his hands.

"I can do the work by myself, you know." He smirks at me and lets out a small laugh.

"I know you can Darlin', you can do anything. You shouldn't have to though. I've got the extra hands. Let me help. Please." His eyes soften and settle on mine.

"Okay." With that he leans in and kisses me with such force I have to hold on to his shirt. I fear I may melt away. He pulls away and places kisses all over my face. He pulls out his phone and heads it to me.

"Put your number into my phone and shoot me a text. I'll call you after church. I'll have the prospects head on over now. Don't go anywhere without one of them tailing you. If you need me, call. If I don't answer, leave a message. I'll call you back as soon as I can." Madz says as he grabs his phone from my hands.

Madz answers his phone and barks some orders over the phone and hangs up. "Laters baby." And with a wink he's gone. 

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