Chapter 3: Nova

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"Dark alleyways"

I've never seen such a handsome looking man before. His eyes were the lightest shade of blue I've ever seen. It was like arctic blue or a cloudy sky on a summer's day. His shaggy hair was the color of coal. Jet black and to the tip of his ears. It was a bit shaggy but it looked so good on him. He's way taller than me and that's saying something at 5'7 and boy did he have muscles for days. He was beautiful. I hope to see more of him and Eleanor.

Picking up my phone to start the music again. I notice I have a few unread messages from my mother. She's been texting me the past few weeks and I've yet to reply. She wants me to lend her money. Money I do not have. She thinks I got something from dads will and she isn't budging. I'll just continue to ignore her for now. Which will be hard when she messages me every other hour.

Looking around I smile to myself. I can't wait to get this place going. I can see it now. I've got all the colors in my mind. An olive green for the walls with a peach colored door. Metal stools for sitting with a few arm chairs. Zebra wood for the tables. A chalkboard for the menu. I can even find local artist work to hang around. In my mind it looks perfect. I'm so excited.

Picking up the broom again I start to sweep up all the dirt and grime left behind. I look around and see what needs to be done. I make a mental list. I've got some loose tiles on the floor I need to fix, the front door is a bit wobbly when you open it, and the main pipe in the kitchen has a leak that needs to be fixed before it gets too bad. I've had to dump a bucket already since I turned the water on under the sink. I'll have to be sure to turn it back off before I leave.

I set the broom to the side and head for the door to lock up. I don't see Galax, Georgia with two day shipping. Looking around I notice all the stores around me. The boutique is next door to mine on the right and to the left seems to be a lawyers office. I'm not sure where the hardware store is but, this town is so small I'm sure I can find it eventually. I pass a small coffee shop that seems to sell books as well, a florist and a tattoo parlor. I bet this is the one Madz owns.

A few buildings down I see what I'm looking for. Pulling the door open I'm met with a smell that brings me back in time. It reminds me of my father. Coffee and sandalwood. I smile and start looking around for what I need. Most hardware stores all have the same layout. I grab some high quality adhesive, a utility knife and an iron. This should be it for now. Until I can make a proper list.

"Hello." I hear a grumbly older voice coming from the back. I then see an older man with a long white beard and a short haircut walking towards the front. His cheeks are red and his glasses are lowered on his nose. He kind of reminds me of those mall Santa's. I giggle to myself.

"Oh hello, I'm just here picking up a few things." The old man looks at me and walks to the register. He ignores me. He must not be a big talker then. That's okay.

"I haven't seen you before. You must be new in town. Are you visiting someone?" I set my items down and glance at the man.

"Oh no. I bought the little shop down the road. I'm going to turn it into a bakery. It's a little bit of a fixer upper but that just makes it more mine and special." He just gives me a look and grabs my items. He rings me up and my total comes to $85.67. I handed him over a $100 bill.

"Do you know what you're doing with all this?" I smile back at him and give my head and. With a shrug he takes my cash and then packs my items in a brown paper sack. He pushes it towards me and then gives me the rest of my change.

"Thanks hun. If you need anything else let me know. My name is Dan. My wife Betty owns the beauty shop across the road. If you need your hair done, she's where you'll want to go." I give Dan a small smile and wave with my free hand. Walking out the door I look around and I spot someone across the street looking at me. He turns away quickly and heads down the road.

I look to see if anyone else is around and it seems like I'm alone. A shiver is sent down my spine and I start to head back to my shop. I glance back behind me with the feeling of being watched but I see no one. I wish I got a better look at him.

He had some type vest on like Madz did, but his definitely didn't have a creepy snake on it. I hear my stomach grumble and I check my watch. I notice it's almost 7:30. I've not had anything to eat all day. I wonder if they have a diner close by. I pull out my phone and try to open maps, but that's when I feel a hand wrap around my mouth. I drop everything in my hands and try to pull away.

"Scream and I'll use this knife on you. It's the only warning I'm going to give you." I nod my head. I listen to the shadow of the man in fear I'll be hurt. I can't see him but I can sure feel him and smell the scent of liquor on him. It makes my empty stomach feel even worse.

The shadow drags me down the alleyway that's behind the tattoo parlor. It's so dark back here and there is a park loaded with trees next to me. There is no way anyone is going to see me. Grabbing my arms so hard I know I'll have bruises in the morning. He slams my head into the brick wall and starts to whisper yell into my ear. The heat from his mouth touching my skin makes me sick.

"Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to let go of your mouth and you'll tell me what you were doing with the president. Don't try to pull any shit on me either. I'm faster than you." I nod my head so he knows I understand. I need to come up with a plan quickly. I can't just let him take over like this. What would dad have me do?

"Don't make me ask again. I won't repeat myself." He releases my mouth to let me speak and the words don't form out quick enough. I start to mumble and he grabs my arm in a tighter hold.

"I don't know what you want from me, but all I did was call him so he could get his niece. She was lost and that's it. Nothing else happened. I just moved here today. I promise." He grabs my other arm and tightens his hold even more. I let out a small whimper and tears welled up in my eyes.

"That's fucking bull-shit." He slams my head back into the brick wall and I start to feel dizzy. My eyes go fuzzy. This isn't going out well at all.

"That's really it. Nothing else was said. He just came to get his n-niece." He starts to pull his knife closer when a door slams shut. I can hear voices in the distance.

The man shoves me hard back into the wall and black spots start to cloud my vision. He takes off in a sprint and leaves me behind. I hear footsteps run towards me and someone lifts me carefully in their arms. A familiar scent invades my nose.

"Nova? Nova, darlin'. Open your eyes for me." I hear someone familiar calling my name. My eyelids feel heavy but I finally get them to open, when a fuzzy Madz fills my vision.

"Baby, what happened?" Why are you back here?" I clear my throat and start to speak when Madz pulls me into a bridal hold, and close to his chest. He feels so warm and safe.

"I..I was leaving the hardware store when someone pulled me back here." I feel his arms tighten. His eyes widen and seem darker then they were this afternoon. I can feel his anger radiating off of him.

"Who? What did they look like?" I don't want to make him more upset with me so I don't say anything. I didn't even get a clear look at the man. Just the vest thing he was wearing.

"Baby are you hurt? Did he hurt you?" I start to shake my head but when I do I feel a pain shoot through it. I wince and Madz pulls his hand from the back of my head.

"Fuck. You're bleeding. Tiny, call Saint. Now. The back of her head is bleeding. Darlin' , our club's doctor is on his way. He'll check you out. I'm just going to bring you inside. It's dark out here and I need to get a good look at you." I nod ever so lightly and lean my head on his shoulder. I can hear Madz lightly telling me to stay away but it's just too hard and that's when I let the darkness pull me away.

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