Chapter 23: Madz

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"Milk and sugar"

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"Milk and sugar"

Walking into the kitchen I see Axel pouring hot water into mugs. He's set out milk and sugar alongside them.

"You want to tell me what in the fuck happened?" I ask knowing mostly what went down but I need to know everything.

"Well your mom came in and they started talking. They were talking about coffee cakes and school and then your mom brought up her dads name and then both of them started crying. That's all I got from it." I scratch my beard.

"Well hell this wasn't what I thought I'd walk into. Nova opens soon and I don't want her upset." Helping Axel carry in the tea, I can hear them talking about something."

"And that's how your dad broke his wrist playing dodgeball." I can hear Nova giggle and wipe away tears. Thank god she's not crying because she's sad anymore. I hated not knowing what to say.

"Thank you for telling me that story, Georgia." My mom pats Nova's leg and stands up.

"Did you figure everything out?" I ask not knowing what happened while I was gone.

"Yes." Nova says with a sad look into her eyes. "Your mom told me what happened between both of them. My mom came into the photo during their first year of college and I guess she was jealous of them together all the time."

I shake my head. I don't know much about her mother but from the missed calls, text and now this story I can see why she doesn't want to interact with her mother.

"Did she not let y'all be friends?" I ask. My mother gives a tight lipped smile.

"It started out with all of us going out together but then Nova's mom Melissa started to speak up about how close we were." I shake my head. "We just slowly stopped hanging out when one day Walter came to me and said that she was pregnant with their first child."

I look over and see Nova's sad face and I hate it. I just want to pull her in and make all her pain go away.

"After that I didn't hear from him much and then one day he moved and I got a letter in the mail with him telling me how sorry he was. It broke my heart but I understood." Nova gets up and walks over to us.

I handed both of them their tea and helped Nova fix her cup up knowing how she takes her tea. One sugar cube and a dash of milk. It's close to how she takes her coffee.

"Yeah, my dad told me in pieces of him moving but the pregnancy didn't last. Sadly, my mom lost the baby when she was a few weeks along." She takes a sip of my tea and hugs her mug close to herself.

While I'm glad they have this connection it makes me sad that they both had to deal with this heartbreak. My mom loved Walter in a brotherly type of way. She told me stories about him all the time.

"Well this day has been long and I know you have some things to do before you open so I think I'll head out. Axel, do you think you can walk me to my car?" Axel lays out his hand and they walk out together.

"Goodnight you guys. I'll see you tomorrow Nova." Axel says and hand in hand with my mom and him walk out the door.

"How are you doing baby?" Nova finishes her tea and walks into the kitchen. I follow behind her like a puppy. She places her cup in the sink and looks back at me.

"I think I'm okay." Just as she says that a sob bust out of her and I run over to her. Rubbing up and down her back I try to comfort her. This has got to be rough.

Shushing her I let her settle into my chest and I remind her that I'm here for here. That I'll always be here for her. After some time she starts to settle down.

"I think I'm really okay now. That was all just so much to take in. I moved here to get away from everything and now I've met someone who knows my dad." She rubs her nose on my chest and I chuckle.

"Are you wiping your snot all over me? Nova how could you." She pulls away and looks me in my eyes. I can tell she knows I'm joking.

I pull her back into my chest and pick her up. I walked over to the couch and set us both down. "I think you had a super exhausting day. How about we order dinner and go watch some tv?"

With a nod from Nova I pull out my phone and order some food from our local Chinese restaurant. I order sweet and sour chicken, beef and broccoli, egg rolls and plenty of rice.

As we were waiting I settled Nova next to me and let her relax. Within minutes she is asleep next to me curled up into my side. I slowly adjust myself and move so she doesn't wake up.

I wait for the food to be delivered by the front door. A little nap is what she needs. After about thirty minutes I see the driver pull in. I unlock the door and pay the man.

"Thanks man." After leaving a big tip he heads back to his car and drives off. I lock up and walk up to the apartment. Setting down the food I pull out some plates and plate up the food.

Giving us some of everything but loading my plate up more as always. Nova thinks it's wild how much I eat but I don't see why. After setting up the food I walk back down and get Nova.

"Baby, dinner is here. I've already got it ready for us." She just rolls over and I pick her up and pull her into my arms. Carrying her up to the apartment.

Setting her down in the chair she starts to wake up. "I'm sorry I'm so sleepy. Today has just been a lot." I let her snuggle into me and I comb my fingers through her hair.

"It's okay. I understand. You are allowed to feel the way you do now. It's been a lot for one person to take in." Nova pulls away and looks at her plate.

"Wow, that's some plate right there. You really fixed my plate up. Thank you." I pull a chair next to her and we eat our food with a little chatter.

"So the big day is coming up. Do you have everything lined up and ready to go?" I ask knowing she does but I want to pull her mind away from the rest of the day.

"Yup, I do. I've got everything ready to go. Axel even helped me pick out the flavor of the day for the cupcakes." Knowing Axel it's probably something wild.

"And what flavor might that be." I say with a grin.

"Carrot cake cupcakes." Now that sounds good. Carrot cake is one of my favorites and getting to try Nova's hypes me up. Maybe Axel knew that and that's why it came up.

"That sounds perfect. What else do you plan to have?" Knowing Nova she will try to go all out on her first day.

"Well I'll have the cupcakes, cinnamon rolls, bear claws, muffins and loaves of bread. That's what I'll start off with and go from there." She is going to have to be up so early to make all this.

Her shop hours are from 7am - 6pm. She will have to get up around 4 am to even start baking any of this. I'll help her out as much as I can. Though I'm not sure how much help I'll be.

We eat the rest of our food and I gather the plates. Taking them to the sink I wash and Nova dries them off. We're a team and always will be.

"Well it seems like you've got it all planned out. How about we shower and watch some Netflix? That sounds good?" Nova walks up to me and snuggles into my side.

"That sounds like a perfect plan." Grabbing my hand she leads me to the bathroom. Life is perfect and what can go wrong. 

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