Chapter 7: Nova

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"Stay out of trouble"

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"Stay out of trouble"

Looking at the plate I don't know where to start. I’ve got so much food on my plate. I grab the water pitcher and pour us something to drink. I grab my fork and then dig in. The french toast taste amazing and I let out a moan. This is the best thing I’ve ever tasted and I bake for a living.

“Watch those moans baby. I can only handle so much. I don't think Tess would like what I could do to you in this booth.” I tilt my head down to hide my blush behind my hair. Madz grabs ahold of my chin and faces me towards him.

“Don't hide from me. I want to see you, all of you. I need to see you, okay.” I’ve never in my life had a man talk to me like this. I’m melting inside. I’ve only dated a handful of men and none of them acted like Madz. Maybe that's a good thing though.

“Okay, I'm sorry.” Madz looks at me with a smile and tugs me closer to him. I don't know how much closer we can get in this booth. We were pretty close before. Now I'm almost sitting in his lap.

“You’ve got nothing to be sorry about. Now eat up.” The rest of our meal is quiet. I clear my plate pretty quickly. Looking over at Madz he still has some of his eggs left. Though he had a massive amount of food. I don't know where it all goes.

“I'm happy to see you cleared your plate. I love a woman who isn't afraid to eat.” I start to feel tired and let out a yawn. Madz waves Tess over again and asks for the check.

“Hey, I can pay.” He holds up his hand to silence me. Then shakes his head.

“Don't even think about it. When you're with me I pay. Hell even when you're not with me. I'll make sure you're taken care of. Always.” I start to shake my head when he places his finger on my lips.

“I'm not messing around baby. I take care of you now. Got it?” I really start to think about it. No one other than my dad has ever really cared about me before. Mom always made me feel like such a burden. Can I let this man take care of me? Hmmm, I think I can.

“Okay. I get it. I get it. Thank you for the dinner. It tasted wonderful, Madz.” He looks over and smiles at me. If thanking him for a meal is all I have to do to get that kind of reaction from him. I’ll be sure to thank him everyday.

“I'm so glad you didn't argue with me. I'm serious when it comes to you. Now let's get you in bed. Are we going back to my place or yours? Doc said you can't be alone tonight. As if I would leave you alone after what all happened anyways.” My apartment is probably best since all my things are there but I didn't unpack anything and it's a mess.

“I'd like to go back to my place if that's okay. All my things are there.” He just gives me a chin lift and I guess that means it's okay.

“That's fine, we will need to be up early because I've got church in the morning. We've got to talk about what happened to you and what our next step is.” I start stressing out. I really don't want anyone to get hurt over this. 

“Is that safe? Will someone else get hurt?” He chuckles and shakes his head at me.

“None from my club will. Can't say the others will be okay.” I really don't like that they are going to fight because of me but I can't do anything about it. He seems to have his mind set on taking care of the problem.

“You two stay out of trouble. Oh, and Nova dont forget about me and my offer. Got it?” Tess says as she hands over the check to Madz.

“Don't worry Tess. I’ve got it.” He chucks down enough to cover the bill and a hefty tip. We get out of the booth and head over to the door. Madz pulls me up to a black truck and I wonder what he's doing.

“We walked here, how did this get here?” He opens the door, picks me up, and sets him down in the truck.

“I texted one of the prospects. They dropped it off when we were eating. I don't want you walking anymore than you have to right now. You need rest.” He then buckles me in and shuts the door. I watch him jog to his side and jump into the driver's seat.

“Let's head to the apartment. You need to clean up and to lay down for the rest of the night.” He leans over and gives me a light kiss on the cheek. He starts the truck and we start heading towards the bakery. I start to think about the day when Eleanor comes to mind.

“Oh, what happened to Eleanor? Did you find her mom?” He clenches his teeth but I hear him release a puff of air.

“She stays with my mom for the most part but no, we didn't find my sister. She runs off like this all the time. I don't know why my mom let her run off with Eleanor today. She knows better than that.” Well that's awful that her own mother treats her like that, but I can understand my mother wasn't the best either.

“Oh, do you think she is okay?” I ask with worry laced in my voice. Even if she didn't make a good choice I wouldn't want anything to happen to her.

“Don't worry about things like that. She's probably fine and hanging out with her piece of shit boyfriend. I’d rather Eleanor not be around all that anyways. Now we need to talk about what happened behind the shop.” Madz tone firm.

“Well I was walking from the hardware store when I felt someone grab me. They started to yell in my ear and told me if I screamed that they would hurt me.” I look over at Madz and I can see him tense up.

“And then what happened after that.” Madz keeps his focus on the road the whole time.”

“Well after that, he pulled me in the alleyway and asked me how I know you and why you were around. I tried to tell him that I just met you but he didn't believe me. That's when he hit my head on the wall and things got dizzy from there. I don't remember much after that. I;m sorry.’’ Madz shakes his head and looks at me while we are at a stop light.

“You have nothing to be sorry about Nova. My club will take care of it. I promise you.” The light turns green and I settle into my seat. I nod my head like he can see me and lean my head on the window. I then close my eyes and let sleep take me.

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