Chapter 18: Madz

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 Walking outside of Nova's shop I wait till I hear the lock clicking into pace. I look into her deep eyes and see the tears falling. I'm such a fucking asshole. I should have never yelled at her.

I should have never brought home the drama from work. She did nothing wrong and I broke her heart. I start heading towards the tattoo shop with the cool air hitting my back.

I pull out my phone and call Knox. "I need you to come to Nova's shop and stay outside for tonight. You need to watch over her. I won't be there." Saying that my heart just breaks.

Knox tells me "okay" and hangs up. He can tell now's not the time to question why. I walk a few streets over and every inch I'm away from Nova makes my chest feel like I'm being crushed.

Work was awful today. I found out where all the missing money is coming from. Someone has been ordering extra parts and returning them in person. The inventory isn't what we have ordered.

Something fishy is happening and I'll figure it out. Not only is someone stealing but I've taken it out on my girl and now I'm even more pissed. I sent her a message telling her how sorry I am.

Pocketing my phone, I reach the shop. I unlock the doors and take a deep breath. I'll figure out who's backstabbing me and they won't ever be able to do it again. I hope Nova is okay. All I can see is the tears falling from her eyes and how broken she looked.

I head over to the office and lay down on the couch. Sleeping won't come easy tonight but I'm exhausted. Work was so busy today. We had some many cars come in.

Not only that but we had to look into inventory and count all the items to see if that matched up. Which it didn't. I wonder who could be that stupid to steal from me.

I finally fell asleep but I wake up three hours later. I've still not heard from Nova. So I call Knox. "Is everything over at the shop? I haven't heard from Nova at all."

"Everything has been fine. She walked into her office after taking her cake out and I think she went to sleep in there." She fell asleep on the fucking couch. That thing is uncomfortable as shit.

If I didn't feel like shit already then that would have made me take the hit. "Hey, give Axel a call and tell him to take over." I know Nova likes him and I hope he can cheer her up.

He's got darkness to him but he can be full of sunshine as well. I'm not sure how much I like it but I know I can trust Nova and I feel like I can trust Axel as well.

I stand up and stretch, not ready for this day when my phone beeps with a message. It's from Knox. "Axel is on his way over. When he gets here I'll send you a text. Nova is not awake yet."

Thinking of Nova again my heart just shatters. I had no reason to speak to her that way last night. I hope she will forgive me. I start my day by using the restroom and brushing my teeth. Luckily, I keep some clothes here at the shop to change into.

After getting ready my phone dings with a message and I wonder if Axel got there that fast. But it's Nova. I scramble to unlock my phone to read what she's said.

My heart pounds in my chest. "I'm sorry for how I reacted as well. I shouldn't have been so emotional. Will I see you tonight at the fair?" She's saying sorry to ME. I was the one in the wrong last night

."Of course baby. I'll see you before the fair happens. I'll drive you there. You don't have to apologize to me for anything. I was in the wrong 100%. I'll see you later tonight. Knox will hang around till then." I replied.

With the weight being released from my chest I feel a bit lighter. I'm glad I was able to work things out with Nova. I start to rush through my day and get a call that Axel has made it.

With that I walked back over to Nova's shop because that's where I left my bike. I hop on and head over to the clubhouse. I need to inform the men what's going on.

It's a bit chilly today but I don't mind. Heading over to the clubhouse from town is about an 8 minute drive. The trees we pass are beautiful this time around.

The leaves are falling and Halloween is right around the corner. I wonder if Nova likes Halloween. I need to ask her. It is mine and Eleanor's favorite holidays.

I pull up to the clubhouses gate and Beau is at the gate, He lifts his head in a hello motion and opens the gate. We always keep someone at the gate so the clubhouse stays safe. We can't let just anyone in.

I pull my bike next to the others and I walk in. Looking around I notice almost everyone is around. "Is everyone here today? I need to tell you guys something."

Tiny walks over to me and slaps my back. "We're all here Gears and Ryder are in the kitchen cleaning up. Let me go get them and we'll meet you in church.

Walking into church I see all my brothers filing in. I love this feeling. The feeling of brotherhood. I've got men who depend on me to keep everything in line.

Then we all have each other to keep ourselves safe. Growing up without a father was tough. Having my mother fill his shoes wasn't always easy but she did it and I've become a great man because of her.

I never knew how a 'man' should act but I see all the men around me and I know what we're doing is important to them as well. "Alright guys I know you all know a little about what's been going on."

"Someone's been stealing from us." I start to hear some of my men fight for their breath. I know that feeling. I'm angry as well. "We've been going over the work at the mechanic shop."

"The inventory we have ordered isn't matching up with what we have in stock. Someone's been ordering extra parts, taking them and returning them to other stores around us. I don't know who it is yet but we will figure it out." I sit down and let out the breath I was holding.

Cash looks pissed and I know why. He's mostly the one who works over the paperwork and he's mad he missed this. This is big and I know he will beat himself up over this.

"Cash, I know you're pissed. This is happening under our noses and they are sneaky as fuck. We will figure out who is doing this and we'll take care of them when we do." Hoots and hollers all around me confirm that my men have my back.

I don't let them know about Nova and I. We worked things out just fine and they don't need to worry about us. Vice raises his hand and asks to speak. "Yes?"

"Is everyone ready for the fair tonight? We have the donation booth all ready to go. We need all the brothers working together to get what we can for the women's crisis center." Vice is right, we need to work together.

Gears pop's. "Yes, I've set everything up and we're all ready for the donations we will be getting. Cash has set up accounts we can send the donations to."

"I appreciate all the help you brothers have done. Without you no of this would be happening. Well I guess everything is settled and I can call church for today. Thanks for being here. See you all tonight." Everyone leaves but Tiny.

"What's up man?" Tiny asks, always knowing when something is wrong with me. I know I can trust him to keep his mouth shut when it's important.

"Nova and I got into a big fight last night. I was yelling at her because I was so pissed about the stock and I took it out on her. I also ruined her cake she made for the fair." Reliving those moments I feel nothing but regret.

"Man, I'm sure it's fine. It was an accident right." I nod. "Then it's fine. Maybe go over and see if she needs any help if you have the time." I will have time after I stop by and drop off the paperwork I have.

"Okay thanks for the talk Tiny." He grunts and walks out the door. Leaving me behind. I think about the last 24 hours and realize where I want to be. Where I need to be is with Nova.

I head out of church and the building. Walking over to my bike I pull out my phone and shoot her a message. "I'll see you soon, Nova girl."

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