Chapter 2

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I was slowly packing my stuff. 

I had just gone through an important lecture from my father. He talked to me about the kingdom and the rules I have to follow there. It seems to me that they live a typical pack life, but they live with someone much stronger instead.

My father also advised me to be quiet in front of the royal family. I laughed at that since it's rather hard for me not to talk and I rarely stay quiet.

I took one last look of my bedroom. The purple walls my wooden warm floor and the grey curtains that cover the window. I would miss all that even if I was bound to come back after a while at the palace, but I would miss warmth of my bedroom and my comfy bed. Every little object in this room means something great and important to me.

My mother walked into my bedroom. "Are you ready?" she asked me, I shook my head and took a seat on my bed.

"Why can't you come with me?" I ask her. That special smile that only my mother has, appears on her face, "I wasn't invited, sweetie, and only if you are invited or if you have a meeting with the King you can enter their land" she explains sweetly at me. I was never attached to my parents, but this is an entirely different thing. I nod at her and give her a small smile.

She raises from the couch and takes a bag off the floor. I knew this was my cue to hurry up, and with one last look at my room I take the rest of my bags and walk out.

There was no sound in the house, the only noise that existed were the voices of my pack members outside. Heading outside I saw all of the pack gathered talking, laughing, and some of others Specials were preparing themselves. No, I am not the only Special in the pack nor the world. There are others, many more just like me, like them, I thought. Miranda came by my side and hugged me tight. "You do realize we are leaving together, right?" I asked her, "I know, but this is the last time we are hugging in the pack grounds" she says and shakes her head like I am the crazy one. I roll my eyes at her, while I start searching for my parents. I spot the talking to the Alpha and I step closer. "We knew we couldn't hide her forever" my mother was whispering, "We had hope" my father retorted, "Have you told her?" Alpha asked, my parents shook their head. "They will tell her soon enough" my mother said.

Just then they realized that I was standing behind them. "Hey sweetie" my mother welcomed me, "Are you ready Sam?" Alpha asked.
"I am, Alpha" I replied. "Like I told you, you don't have to be afraid of anything" my father said. "I am tough. I can do this, its like I am going on vacation" I told them trying to calm them, but I was shaking inside of me.

Three large cars were waiting for us just outside our pack territory. They hurried us in and just then I saw that Jake was with us. I knew for a fact that he was not a Special so, what was he doing here? "What are you doing here?" me and Miranda asked the same time when we took a seat in the car. "Relax, I am the Alpha's son. I am allowed to be here" he said calmly. "Jake. You are not a Special" I stated.
"What? No way!" he said, but that wasn't something he could joke about. Neither me or Miranda changed our worried expression, eventually he sighed "I am going to be your companion. You are all still pack members and you can't go there on your own. Get it?" he asked and I sighed in relief. "We thought you were sneaking in" Miranda said.

The ride on the car was long. We kept passing trees and cities as my face was glued to the window. I had only been out of the territory once and I found this trip as an opportunity to see the outside world. "You look like you are going to jump out of the car" Miranda commented and I just put my tongue out in a childish manner. She laughed of course, but she didn't say anything back.

Miranda has left the pack territory a couple of times and she doesn't seem to find anything interesting, but I do. Every little detail is peculiar.

I was lost in my own world when the car stopped. "Well, girls looks like we are here" Jake announced to us making me jump.
"Come on" he said and nodded with his head to move out of the car. Miranda and I got out slowly, taking in everything. Behind us was a huge gate and everywhere around the only thing visible was the forest, trees and grass. In front of us was a huge castle. It must have many rooms because there were a lot of windows. "Specials follow me" the man I had fought with said.

With me Miranda and Jake were Lucas who could move things with his mind, his twin Jessica who had the same power as her brother, Melissa who could make flowers open and grass to grow and finally Crystal who could make snow and ice to fall. It was just seven of us, but to them we seemed to be a great deal. "My name is Peter, by the way" the man said. So, his name is Peter, I thought. It surely fit him.

Peter led us into a big room, like the ballrooms I had seen in movies. It was big and had a huge balcony door that probably led out in the garden. Suddenly Peter stopped and I saw why. On two huge thrones sat two people I immediately knew who they were.

The royal couple. The King and his Queen..

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