Chapter 13

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I searched through my closet throwing clothes everywhere, just trying to find the perfect outfit. "Argh" i let out a furstrated type of scream. There was a knock on the door and Miranda got in. She looked around my room with a frown on her face "Hey" she says quietly when her eyes land on me. I know why she is distant, it's because of what happened earlier, but right now I have no time to start fighting or apologising. "I need your help" I say and she nods gettin further into the room. 

"I am going to a date" I start and she nods, "With Cole?" she asks me. I give her the who-do-you-think look and she gives me a small smile. "Okay, let's see" she trails off while searching through my clothes. We spent a good five minutes searching before at the far end of the closet we found the perfect dress. 

"That's it" she announce and makes me go wear it. The dress is purple and its clearly a summer dress. On the waist there is a large bow and the bottom opens up like a flower. "I like it" I whisper astonished, "Good, now make up" she says and pushes me to sit on a chair in fron of the mirror. She applies some light eye shadow and a little blush with mascara on the eyes, wanting to leave it simple. "Perfect' she says just as Cole gets into my room "Wow" he says as he sees me. Oh, i forgot to tell you, i let my hair on their natural curls since i didn't have enough time to straighten them. "Okay, get out of here" she says, but soon enough she asks, "Wait, how are you going to get out? What if someone sees you?" she asks, Cole shakes his head and takes my hand.

I didn't even realize how we got out that fast, but thanks to Cole's senses in no time we were walking up some dark stairs. "Where are we going?" I ask him, he doesn't reply he keeps holding my hand tight and pull me up the stairs. 

Finally we reach a dark door. "This is our date" he says and pecks my lips leaving a tingly sensation run through me. He opens the door only to reveal the castles roof top. At the middle of the room was a table with two plates, food, a rose in a vase and candles all around, along with rose petals scattered on the ground creating a path to the table. "Oh my god, Cole what have you done?" I asked him with a smile. He smiled back and made me sit at a chair. 

"Something simple" he says with the most beautiful smile i've ever seen.  

We ate our food and drunk our wine in a comfortable silence, both of us enjoying each others company. Cole was staring at me assesing my every move, "Stop staring" I said while blushing, he chuckled and took my right hand which was laying on the table. "Did i tell you that you look stunning?" he asked and shook my head at the cheesy line. "What its true" he said, "Do you want to dance?" he asked me some seconds later. I smile and nod at him, he takes my hand leads me a little further away from the table. 

We sway at the sound of music, which I have no idea from where it comes from. I asked Cole, but he told me not to worry about it. I am currently restin my head on Cole's shoulder due to my high. Cole is obviously taller than me, but I too for a girl am tall enough. "Cole?"  I say, "Hmm?" he replies in a way I know he was lost in thought, "I think I l-" I was about to say an really important sentence, but I was cut off by a young man, possibly at my age, who came barging up the stairs and opened the door 'My Prince" he says breathlesly, "We need you" he finishes. "What's going on?" he asks his Prince's mode on.

"Your father, sir".....................


A/N Hello, how are you all? Well, looks like there is something wrong with Cole's father...What could it be? 

I would like to thank all of the fans of the story, its nice to know that my story is loved by many people. I have a pic of Sam's dress which I hope you all like it!! Anyway, vote, comment and whatever else!!!


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