Chapter 10

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I just stood there staring at him. He spoke so easy, like it was something normal.

"I know it's hard for you. You haven't ever faced something like that before, but I have and I am sure we are going to ge throught this" he said with full confident. I sat up slowly not knowing what to say, "What are we going to do?" I finally asked him. I wanted to know what the plan was, that is if they had a plan.

"We are not sure yet. The only thing we are sure of is that no one is going to find out about us" he said and kissed my hand. I thought about it, it wasn't a bad idea. "Okay, I guess" I told him, he smiled at me and looked at Miranda who she immediately understood what was going on and left the room. "I guess it came good to you" he commented, "What? " I asked him "This way you are safe and we are not official " he said trying to sound casual, but I saw the hurt in his eyes and voice. "You don't understand" I told him "I think i do. You have commitment issues" he said sarcastically. I just stared at him "If you knew you wouldn't be saying that" I spat at him. He didn't knew and therefore he didn't understand. After what happened with my aunt my worldview changed, everything I thought about mates changed. "Then tell me!Help me understand " he begged. "Its not the right time" I said and laid back down on the bed. "Okay. Don't sleep I am going to bring you something to eat" he said and with a kiss on my cheek he left my room.

The next day I was well rested and ready to get back to practice. Today we would try out our powers, but I was not allowed to practice with them. The King was not sure with who I could practice my powers, he was still searching the perfect and well trusted person to help me.

The Queen also visited me. She came with Michelle and cleaned my room despite my sayings.

Miranda also came by and she introduced me her mate. Derek is handsome and kind, but also a little intimidating. They sat with me for a while, before Cole came to help me prepare for my practice. "Are you dressed? " he asked me, I was currently in my end suite bathroom getting ready. Derek had taken Miranda out for lunch while Cole was waiting for me.

I chose to wear my leggings and a black t shirt. After I tied my hair in a tight ponytail i got out. Cole was sitting on my bed looking at some kind of magazine. "I am ready lets go" I told him while taking a good look at him.

He was wearing a simple black Jean with a while shirt and let me tell you, he looked good enough to eat.

"Baby I know I am handsome, but you don't have to drool" he said chuckling. My face turned into deep red and I looked down. I could feel his smile and soon enough I felt his arms wrapped around me. My wolf howled with pleasure, one single touch could set me on fire. Note the sarcasm! "Souldn't we get going?" I asked him, trying hard to keep my voice tone normal. It wasn't easy, his arms were pretty destracting. "Yeah, we should" he whispered next to my ear as his lips traveled all over my face without kissing me. I let out a soft sigh and he smiled, I could feel his smile tickling my neck with his lips.

Out of nowhere there was a knock on the door and Michelle's head popped in the room. "Can you please stop kissing and come practice?" she asked nicely, but I knew she was getting impatient. "Yes, we are coming" I said while blushing, I pushed Cole's head slightly away from my neck and followed Michelle out. I knew Cole didn't like that I pushed him away, and I knew that from the annoyed growl he let escape his sculptured lips.

Michelle led me into a huge room. The walls were beige and simple and there were only two large windows. The room was bright by the sun light, my eyes runned over the room when I spot someone standing in the centre of the room. Of course it was the King who stood there smiling at me. I smiled back and went closer. "Thank you Michelle, that is all" he said to Michelle and then turned to me. "Well, Samantha it is time to see what you can do" he told me and I nodded politely.

He wanted me to show him my fire. So, firstly I let the fire consume me, and then I let it slide to my fingers then my whole hand "Amazing" he said excited. I smiled kindly at him and then I simply closed my hand which caused the fire to light out. "What now?" I asked impatiently, I wanted to learn to do something new. "Since we've seen how skilled you are, let me introduce you to your trainer" he said and pointed at another door, which it opened quickly only to reveal Cole. My eyes widened immediately at the sight, he was wearing his sports shoes along with same type clothes and he had a stupid grin on his face. "What exactly are you doing here?" I asked him and he simply shrugged. "I am your trainer, of course" he stated like it was something natural. "Oh well, I will leave you to it" the King said and left the room.

"What shall we do with you now" Cole said.....

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