Chapter 15

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 Cole stiffened in front of me. His eyes made holes into mine; I knew that moment that something was wrong. If the King, I mean the previous King, had died naturally then Cole wouldn’t be this stiff. “Sam…Someone murdered my father” he whispered low enough for me to hear. It was my turn to stiffen. “What are you talking about?” I asked him, he shook his head and his arms left me. He started passing around the room as he started talking.

“His death wasn’t from a heart attack or any natural cause. I haven’t even informed my mother” he said, “She doesn’t know he is dead?” I asked him and he shook his head “Of course she does, she felt it right away, but I didn’t tell her about the claws” he said.

I took a seat on the bed and looked at him waiting for him to talk to me when he is ready. After several minutes he started talking again, “I found a note beside his body” he whispered loud enough for me to hear, he shoved his hands into his pockets and pulled out a small white paper. He passed to me and I read it:

 “Looks like daddy weren’t strong enough to protect you Prince Cole, but don’t worry because we are coming and we’ll make sure you and your little mate get what you deserve.

PS. Watch your back, someone is a traitor   

 The Back Mooners”

 My eyes widened and the small paper slipped from my hands. My mind felt numb and the words of the Black Mooners echoed through my head, I couldn’t believe that the King died because of me and Cole. Basically it was because of me, Cole would be alright if I didn’t exist, if my fire power passed me.

I found it hard to breathe. “Sam?” Cole asked and kneeled in front of me, I put my head on my hands and tried to calm myself down. Eventually Cole tug me into a tight hug and whispered sweet and soothing words at me. Gently he moved my back and forth like I am a baby, but it definitely worked. After an hour I fell asleep in his arms.

I opened my eyes the next morning after having the best sleep in my life. The bed so comfortable, soft and hard at the same time giving me an interesting nice sleep. I moved around a bit and I heard someone moan behind me, analyzing the space around me I noticed two large strong, definitely muscular arms were wrapped around me trapping me into their own secure palace. I turned slightly to see Cole’s angelic face inches away from mine. He looked so calm and yet so troubled. My hand moved to its own accord and touched Cole’s face softly, I trailed my hand from his chin to his nose and then I decided to turn my body completely. It was then that I realized I wasn’t wearing my clothes, instead I was wearing one of Cole’s shirts judging by the scent. Why the hell did he change me? What was wrong with my pajamas? “What is troubling you, love?” Cole’s sleepy voice startled me, “Morning, I- umm. What am I wearing?” I asked as nicely as I could, I couldn’t yell just yet, but I would give it a go if he replies me with his own perverted way.

“I wanted to see how you looked like in my clothes” he replied with a small grin. “Cole, I like my pajamas!” I fake whine and hit him on his arm, he smiled widely at me and with one move he is on top of me. He begins kissing my neck, reaching my ear and back down creating an imaginary line with his sweet kisses. A moan escapes my lips and I instantly feel Coles smile against my skin. “I love it when you moan” he whispers and I blush deeply scarlet. He chuckles a little before he returns to his personal task, which is kissing my neck.

He licks the special space where my mark should be and I can’t help buy stiff a little. Cole notices that and he stops. A deep sigh escapes his lips, he knows I am not ready for this. “I should get up, I have things to take care of” he says and rises from the bed. I stay there silent, waiting for him to get into his bathroom, so I can return to my room. He bends and pecks my lips and then proceeds to his en suite bathroom.

That’s my cue, I thought and silently, but quickly enough I walk out of his room. Looking around I realize I have no idea where I am, the hallway Cole’s room is, it’s different.

With slow steps I found myself moving away from Cole’s room and move into yet another unknown hallway. Taking a turn I bump into Derek who looks at me with confusion clear in his eyes. His eyes go up and down assessing what I am wearing, a slight smirk appears in his eyes and says “I assume you spent the night with our King?” he asks me kindly. I nod and smile at him while blushing like crazy, “You don’t know how to return to your chamber, do you?” he asks again, for once more I nod. He offers me his hand which I take and we make our way to my room.

“Thank you Derek” I say and he smiles while bowing, then he disappears through the hallways. Getting into my room, I feel like a weight lifts my shoulders.

I know that I am not ready for Cole to kiss me. Its not only because I am not ready emotionally, but after what happened with Svetlana I begin to have doubts. Sure I haven’t given him any chance, but I never trust people easily.

A knock on the door made me frown. “Hey, are you in there?” I heard Miranda’s sweet voice. Soon enough she was in my room and we both sat cross legged while talking about me and Cole.

“Look, I know that it’s not easy, but hey what’s easy in this life?” she asks me. Miranda was trying desperately to convince me to give into Cole, she already knew the reason why I couldn’t do such thing and yet he pushed it. I shook my head, as I needed a distraction and that came when Prince Aiden burst into my room. “Sam, go get ready we have power training in 10’ “he said.

That was the distraction I needed, I said bye to Miranda and she left me alone to get ready. After that I went straight to my own training room.

I opened the door what I saw in there scared the hell out of me....

************************************************************************************************************This is a small Chapter, but i am writing another right now....

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Anastasia L

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