Chapter 16

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Prince Aiden, I mean Aiden was standing in front of an army.

The mean who were standing behind him were terrifying. They had bright red eyes and nails! They were all looking ahead throwing glares at the wall. Aiden was just standing then looking all calm and Prince alike waiting for me to come in, but I couldn’t move.

“Are you coming in? We have worked to do” he said sternly, “There is an army right behind you” I informed him. He looked at me with his i-know-right face. “This is for your training. Now get in here and close the door” he ordered and I complied.

 He made me stand in front of the army as many red eyes focused on me. “Now, don’t be frightened. They are here to help you grow stronger. Look at their red eyes and think of fire” he said while walking around me.

I did what he asked; I focused on their eyes, the deep red that looked like pure blood. “Think of someone evil” he whispered at me, “Someone who wants to hurt you or someone you love” he continued.

In a minute my mind was filled with horrified images. My parents dead with blood shed all over them, and then Miranda. Lastly I saw Cole looking at me with pleading eyes before he fell to the ground.

My mind went crazy at that thought and fire was released from my body. Immediately they all caught fire, when I realized what I have done I stopped right away, but the men were already burnt down. “What have I done” I whispered shocked. Aiden laughed and threw an arm around my shoulders. “Relax, that was just me” he said making me look at him confused.

“I can easily play with peoples mind. That’s why I am so important in this kingdom.” He informs me, “Those men were not real, you were hallucinating” he explains. “That was….awesome” I say and he starts chuckles, “I know right. You did really well. The Cole scene seems to cause it all” he says. I shake my head, I still can’t get Cole’s reaction out of my mind.

“What’s going on with my brother, now that we’ve mentioned it” he says, clearly trying to get me to open up. What a gossip boy. “What do you mean?” I ask. “I saw him earlier. He didn’t look that bright” he commented.

 Hearing that made my heart break a little, I didn’t want him to feel bad because of me. “Aiden, can I ask you something?” I ask as kindly as I can. “Sure” he says. “Do you know what he thinks of me?” I ask.

For a minute Aiden brows turn into a frown. “You are his mate, what could he possibly think?” he asks, that was my cue to ask him what I really wanted. “That maybe true, but maybe I haven’t seen you with Michelle” I say, “Yes, I’m different my dad didn’t want Michelle even though I love her-“ he says and stops mid sentence. A little smile finds his way to my face as I look at Aiden who starts blushing like crazy. “So, its true. Michelle is your mate” I state.

He sighs and takes a sit on the ground which I copy. “You can’t tell anyone” he orders rather softly, “Why not? If she is your mate what is wrong with it. Wait. How long? I mean…and….does she know?” I ask kind of shakily. For an unknown reason I feel protective of Michelle, maybe its because of her small figure that makes me look at her like my little sister.

“For a year or so, you know I was away and a year ago I returned from my trip and I saw her and she saw me and it was….love at first sight” he explained with a dreamy look. “Then are you together?” I ask him and he shakes his head making me frown immediately. “Why not?” I ask again right away.

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