Chapter 11

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"Okay, tell me where my real trainer is" I requested. 

Cole just sood there staring at me like I was an idiot. He shook his head "I am your trainer" he said again. How was this possible? I didn't want Cole as my trainer, I wanted someone who wouldn't try to kiss me or worse distract me while I practice. 

"You are telling me, that there is not even one capable trainer for me?" I asked again, "What is wrong with me?" he asked slightly offended. "Nothing you are perfect but-" , "So, I am perfect" he smartly interrupted me. "Cole, I want another trainer" I requested once more, "That's not going to happen. Every good trainer we have is unmated and I won't have my mate surrounded by unmated males" he said with an its-final way, I sighed "Don't start. You don't understand, you will work out and have an unmated male watching over your beautiful body?Its isn't going to happen" he said once more.

I knew where he was coming from. If I was in his shoes, I might have done the same thing. I nodded giving up, "Ok. Let's get started then" I said cheerfully. He chuckled and made a couple of feet back. "You will train with me only for fighting matters" he stated, "What about my fire skills?" I asked him confused. If he wasn't going to train me that way, then who would. "My brother is going to do that" he answered my question and I frowned. His brother? Does he mean Prince Aiden? There were rumors that Prince Cole's little brother had a special power which was inherited by his mothers side. No one knew what his power was, but they all said it was magnificent.

"Isn't your brother unmated?" I asked him, he nodded and said "Yes, he is indeed. That is why I threatened him if he makes a move. He. Is.Dead." His tone was dangerous and it held possessiveness in it. I felt like blushing and my heart skipped a beat, I had heard that the possessiveness of your mate is something that turns you on, but I had no idea.

"So, let's start with running" he said, "I want you to run from there to there is 4 seconds" he pointed at one wall and to the other. He wanted me to reach the other wall in 4 seconds? It's not that it is that hard, but the room was enormous, I would need at least 10 seconds. But, I tried and I reached only 8 seconds. "Again" he said and I did it again and again. I did my very best, but I still couldn't reach the 4 seconds time. "I can't do it" I yelled and he just smiled at me while shaking his head "You can do it. Just focus, don't push yourself, just close your eyes and run" he said slowly.

That is exactly what I did, I closed my eyes and run. "EXACTLY!" I heard Cole yelling and I opened my eyes to see myself on the other end of the room. "3 seconds" Cole told me proudly, I squealed and run to hug him. He took me into his arms and turned me round and round. "I am so proud of you" he whispered close to my lips. I was so tempted to kiss him, but the right moment Prince Aiden got into the room. His face looked amused "Did I interrupt something?' he asked, but I knew he knew we were about to kiss. "Yes", "No" Cole and I said at the same time. You can guess who said what. "Not at all Prince Aiden" I said again after throwing a glance at Cole.

"Well, then...Shall we start?" he asked me and of course I nodded. "I am not leaving, you know" Cole stated while looking at his little brother who was shaking his head at him, "Do as you wish, brother" Prince Aiden replied and then looked at me. He smiled sweetly at me and bowed, "So, you are my stupid big brother's mate?" he asked me, "Yes, sire" I replied, "Please call me Aiden. I am not that older than you. Anyway, since my brother is more unlikely to leave us alone, let's begin" he said teasingly.

Cole growled at his brother, but Aiden ignored it. "Ok, my father told me that you have the power of fire?" he asks me and I nod. "Alright, how far your skills go?" he asked me. I didn't know the answer so out of instinct my head turned to the side a little, as a result of me being confused. "I mean what can you do with it?" he asks again, I think about it and then I reply. "Well, I can do enough stuff. Like I can let any part of my body set on fire and I don't feel it" I informed him. He looked at me for a while, possibly thinking what he should do with me. "Okay, look what we are going to learn. First of all, you should know that your power is unique. No one else has it and that is quite special, that's why we are going to make sure you can control it." he said, "I can already control it" I retorted. He shook his head, "Samantha, you hurt Svetlana. You caused her burn marks, now I know she deserved it, but what if it was Michelle or any other innocent person ?" he asks me trying to reason me, I knew where he was coming from and a while ago I was terrified of my powers. As I was listening to him I noticed his tone soften at Michelle's name and then hard again when he assumed I could hurt her.

That made me think. What if Prince Aiden was Michelle's mate? Was that even possible? "Then teach me how to control it" I said immediately, "That's what I intend to do. But not today" he said. I looked at him confused,"Tomorrow at noon. You are going to spend the morning training and then at noon we are going to start" he stated and I nodded slightly. "Go now" he ordered, "Don't order her around" Cole growled. I had forgot that he was here with us. "Yes sire" Aiden said mockingly and left the room.

I turned around to face my mate. "So we are going to spent tomorrow morning together" I stated, he smiled excitedly "Oh yes " he said. I giggled "Training?" I asked and nodded now looking all serious.

"Alright. Then I am going to take a shower and then I will enjoy the rest of the day" I smiled sweetly at him and made my way to my room.

I could hear him following me a few steps behind. I wanted to talk to him, but someone might hear and I didn't want to risk it.

So, I got into my room and made my way to my drawers to take some clothes and some panties. A few seconds later I heard the door open and shut. "So you are going to take a shower?" he asked me even though he already knew the answer. His arms snakes around my waist from behind as his lips touched my soft skin.

I bit back a moan not wanting to provoke him. "Cole, I have to get into the shower" I breathed out. "Ok, let's go" he said and took my hand pulling me towards the bathroom. I stopped abruptly and shook my hand "No, don't you have a Princes duty or something?" I asked him. I don't want him to be all day with me and leave his duties aside, it isn't right for the King to do all by himself. "I do, but I want to spend some time with you" he pouted. He looked so adorable looking like this, "Go do whatever you have to do and I will be right here when you come back" I whispered close to his lips. He smiled at me and pecked my lips, "I will be back before you know it, babe" he said and laid a nice soft kiss on my lips.

I got into the shower and let the warm water take away all my worries and fears. Worries about what is going to happen tomorrow at my training...

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