Chapter 17

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Hey, guys sorry for the late update, but i was writing some important Exams!! But here i am with another chapter. I will try and update regularly... Picture of Samantha (Sam) there (or somewhere at the side :P ) ----------->

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After Miranda and I got ready we went down to the huge place where a very special ball was held. Tonight Cole will be crowned as a King and Derek as his Beta. It is a great deal for the kingdom; since our last King is dead the kingdom is mourning and celebrates at the same time.

While we walk around the room we spot the rest of the Specials and we make our way to them. The whole time I replay in my mind what Michelle told me. I haven't told Miranda what I know yet, but I don't know how to do it. The question is how Michelle knows? The Queen can't have told her, the matter is only for some people to know. The maids and the rest of the kingdom are allowed to know only if the situation gets out of hand.

I decide to take Michelle's warning seriously, so I start look around all the guests. I notice some familiar faces, people I saw at the last ball. I find nothing to worry about, maybe Michelle was just trying to scare me, but why? I shake my head at that thought, Michelle is a nice girl she wouldn't want to frighten me.

I started chatting with my friends, talking about training and the fact that I didn't train with them. At first they started asking me questions, but Miranda covered for me saying that she too had a very special training due to the fact we both have powers that most people don't. They totally bought it!

While Miranda and the rest of the Specials were still into their conversation I took my chance to look around once more. Out of nowhere I notice several people, most likely guys standing around. They were far away from each other, wearing black costumes, at first I thought they were the guards, but they weren't wearing their uniform.

I looked around once more and noticed that one of them had his eyes glued on my. I frowned at him and he smiled evilly at me, suddenly his eyes flashed dark red and walked away.

Without a word I walked as fast as I could in order to follow the weird man. His pace increased, but I was determined to catch up with him "Hey!" I summoned him, but he didn't pay me any mind. Within minutes we were right outside of the forest, he turned around and looked at me deep into the eyes. Right then images flashed into my mind, a young girl around my age running, then the same girl in the arms of a man while fire was securing them and suddenly screams were echoing and a strong headache hit my head. I tried really hard to ignore it, but the pain was too much. The man continued looking into my eyes as I let the fire within me take over.

The headache was strong, but the fire healed it. The man in front of me looked so confident that he didn't even flinch when the fire started viciously dancing around him. The dark red color in his eyes remained. The fire hugged him, but judging from the way his body remained calm he didn't feel it.

He smiled at me and whispered "I will see you soon, Samantha" and with that he left into the forest.

"SAMANTHA STOP" I heard Cole screaming at me. I turned around and saw him with a couple of guards and Miranda and Jake behind him. They all looked a little terrified and I realized its because of me. The fire was all around me keeping me safe from any threat. "It's alright" he said softly and stretched his hand for me to take.

 I was afraid, I always thought that I could tame my fire, but ever since I came here its over my control. First Svetlana, now this and many more to come, I thought. Maybe that's what Aiden was talking about me not being able to keep everyone around me safe.

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