Chapter 8

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Samantha's POV

I couldn't open my eyes, I could only hear voices. 

"Why is she still unconscious?" Cole's voice appeared on my hearing system and shivers run through me. Sparks were running from my arm and I immediately knew he was holding my hand. "She is in pain. Give her time, sir" someone talked. "Thank you, doctor. I assume the fact Samantha is Cole's mate won't become known to the kingdom" the Kings heavy voice said. "Of course not, my lord. I wouldn't want my future Queen in danger " the doctor said. Few seconds later the door was probably closed. "Why didn't you tell me?" the King asked Cole. "She said she wasn't ready to be official with me. I suspected it was because of their Alpha, Jake" he spat the last part. "I spoke with him. He said he was into Samantha, but he backed right off when she told him she is your mate"The king replied.

I felt Cole's lips on my hand and his thumb rubbing my hand softly. "That was wise of him" Cole said. The King sighed, "The only people who are familiar with this is her Alpha, her best friend, the doctor and me. I spoke with each of them and they assured me they are not going to tell anyone" the King said. "Why all this secrecy?" Cole asked as my eyes flattered open, "Not now" the King replied.

"How are you feeling Samantha" the King asked me. "I am alright, sire" I replied. "What happened?" I asked them, there was blank in my mind and I could not remember a thing. "Svetlana" Cole spat out. "Calm down, my son. You were training with Svetlana, when you both started attacking badly to each other and you got hurt, Samantha" the King explained. I faintly remembered her attacking me and then everything got dark.

I tried to stand up, but Cole pushed me down. "You must rest" he softly spoke to me, "Where is she?" I asked them, "She is resting in a guest room" the king replied. "Yes, that happens when someone cause burn mark on you. Why didn't you tell me?" Cole asked me. "It never came up" I replied casually. "We'll let you rest for now, but we have things to discuss " the King said firmly and left the room. "He wants me to follow him, but I can't leave you alone " my mate said when the king left my room.

"I am sorry" he said after a while. He was still holding my hand and at times he placed kisses on it. "You have nothing to be sorry about " I shook my head. "No, I do have something to be sorry about. I am sorry for acting stupid, for making you jealous, for not protecting you" he ended. Tears filled my eyes and I stared away unable to look at him. "I don't want you to be mad at me" he whispered close to my ear, "I need to know we are okay" he said and with his thumb turned my face to him and planted a linger kiss on lips.

His lips so soft and caring moving in sync with mine, both his hands were holding my waist. My arms wrapped around his neck as i surrendered to his kiss. A moan left our lips at the same time.

I didn't want to stop, I enjoyed his lips on mine so much.

We were so lost in the kiss that we didn't realize that the door was open and Miranda was standings there with covered eyes "Hmm excuse me" she said her eyes still covered. Cole and I broke away, "Its okay Miranda.I was just leaving " he said and with a smile and a last peck on my lips left the room. "You and I really need to talk" Miranda said, her face serious.

"What is it about?" I asked her worried. "It's about you and Cole" she said..."And it's not good!"

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