Chapter 24

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Samantha’s POV

The dress I was wearing was absolutely gorgeous.

Pure perfection dressed my body. The blue dress with the x on my neck and the small hole between my breasts showed off my feminine figure. I stood there staring my reflection in the mirror. My make up and hair was made by a professional and the dress was made by a special person. Cole had seen the dress before and he knew the one that made this was, but he said that I was going to meet the maker later.

A loud knock startled me, “Come in!” I said and turned to the door. The Queen, my mother, Miranda and my father were standing the looking at me with admire in their eyes. “Sweetheart, you look amazing!” my mother said. She made a move to hug me, but she stepped away, so she didn’t destroy my hair or dress. “You do look stunning” the Queen said with a bow. Miranda said the same thing, but my father had a different look on his face.

He looked sad, like he truly didn’t want something like this to happen. “Father?” I summoned, “You are growing up” was the only thing he said. As usual, my mother started bubbling about me while my father happily added memories to her talk.

I was just standing there, blushing at times, though, my brain was still traveling. The anxiety and the un-easing feeling I was feeling didn’t help me. Something was going to happen; I knew it because my inner fire was jumping up and down if that is even possible.

“Are you okay?” Miranda asked me as she took my elbow and made me walk some steps away from the talk my parents and the Queen were currently having. “Can you feel that?” I asked her, Miranda has the water and have the power, ever since we became friends and understood our powers we could sense if something was wrong. “Yes, I can. I don’t know how to describe it” she said truthfully.

“Everything alright, girls?” the Queen asked, we both nodded and then another knock sounded. A guard came in informing us we should take our places and I should get down in one minute. Miranda stayed for exactly 3 more seconds to make sure I was ready and then she went to find Derek. The same guard showed me into another room and instructed me to wait. Suddenly the music started playing. I felt like I was getting married, but it was far from it. I was about to become Queen. “We are ready to go” the guard said and showed me to a double door. I recognized that door of the ball room. The two doors opened slowly and everybody’s attention turned to me. It felt weird, having all those eyes turned to me, admiration was clear to some. I walked down the aisle; each step I took pulled me closer to Cole. Who was standing in the centre of a large stage. Four guards were places on each corner of the stage, for protection, while the others were scattered around the room. All of them standing like a statues with their eyes on me.

Finally after so many torturous I reached the stage. Cole offered me his hand, with one hand I was holding onto him and with the other I slightly lifted my blue dress.

From the stage you could see everyone. The great ball room was filled with people, people who were here to meet their new Queen. Me! “Ladies and gentleman, we are all gathered here today for a very important reason. I Prince Cole of the entire werewolf world have found my beloved mate. Ms Samantha Anderson, one of the great Specials that came to our kingdom.” he announced with clear and proud sounding voice. The room fell silent for a moment before everybody started clapping and cheering. “Today, after the presentation of my mate and your Queen, your former female leader will coronate the next generation”. That is when Queen Elizabeth walked on the stage with a beautiful white dress and her royal crown standing at the top of her head.

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