Chapter 20

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Cole's POV

Samantha was still laying on her hospital bed like nothing was happening she was peacefully asleep, possibly regaining her strength, but everything around her was a mess. Blood was everywhere, her once white sheets were now covered with splits of blood, but it was not her blood.

My eyes scanned the room until I spotted a hand laying beside my mate's bed. I never saw it coming, I never thought that she would get hurt.

Michelle's body was laying lifeless next to Sam's bed. Her blood had painted the entire room. How can a so small body have so much blood?  

I walked closer to her body and I mind-linked the palace doctor to come quickly I'm Samantha s room.

But it wasn't the doctor who came in first. It was my brother.

Aiden froze when he saw Michelle's body laying down with blood everywhere and her eyes open. The terror was mirrored in her eyes, I had the urge to close them, but I felt my brother behind me as he leaned in to close her eyes.

Aiden looked lost and pained. I was too, but somehow his pain was different. It wasn't like the loss of a person, a maid of all people. It was the loss of something great and important. It was the loss of a mate.

I stared at my brother as silent tears were making their own way down his face. "Was she your mate?" I finally found the strength to ask him. He didn't answer, he didn't blink. He didn't look like he was with me.

The look on his face was like the one my mother had when he saw my father dead. Suddenly, I had no doubt that she was his mate. So many questions came to mind, but I ignored them and moved closer to Samantha's sleeping form. I gently took the sheets off her while the doctor was making his way towards me with his eyes glued to Aiden. I mind-linked him and asked him not to move Michelle's body until Aiden wanted to do so and to go prepare another room for Samantha.

I left Aiden with his dead now mate and took mine to another room. Miranda came by later on and took care of Sam as I made my way back to Aiden. I didn't find him there, instead I only found the doctor and some guards helping him move the body. "Where is Aiden?" I ask him, he shrugs and continues his business.

I sigh as I begin looking for him around the castle. Guards are standing at their usual spots, bowing when I pass them. Maids run around with a sad face, obviously because of Michelle's death. I was mourning too, to be true. Michelle was a really good and kind girl and be killed like that was unfair. 

I couldn't find Aiden anywhere in the castle, so I just decided to leave him be for a while. Instead of making my way back to Sam, I decided to visit my mother at her chambers. I waited until her gentle voice welcomed me in.

She was sitting at her small garden at her balcony while taking her tea. She smiled kindly at me and ushered me forward. I took a sit next to her after I kissed her on the cheek lightly. "Can you tell me why Michelle wasn't the one who brought my tea? The maids didn't answer me" she asked me curiously. For a minute I was afraid and nervous, my mother was fond of Michelle, how could I tell her that she was brutally murdered, 

"Mom. I am sorry, but she is dead" I say slowly. Her mouth opened up wide and a single tear leaves her eyes, "How" she asks me. I shake my head unwilling to tell her, "She was murdered wasn't she?" she asks again and I nod. 

There is a moment of silence until she decides to breaks it. "So, how is Samantha?" I sigh and reply "She, um, she is good. Sleeping actually" my mother looks at me like she knows something I don't. "I know that Aiden pushed her to her limits, dear. I don't agree with it, but she must be prepared for the Black Mooners" she finishes. 

When my mother mentioned the Black Mooners it was like I just remembered that I wasn't the only one who knew about them. "I know mom" I simply say and stare ahead trying to avoid the subject.

"I know you don't agree, I just think that she should be able to take of herself and you need to focus on being the best King for your kingdom and your mate. She needs you, but your people need you too. Its time to step up, son. It's time to be better than even your father. Now go, I am sure Samantha is awake by now" she smiles gently at me and take a sip of her tea. 

I bow kindly at her and step out of her chambers heading to my office. I am just not ready to wait for Samantha to wake up now. In my office Derek, my Beta, is looking at some papers. "Hey" he says and smiles at me, "What's up man?" I ask him and he shrugs. "Beta business" he simply states.

I spent two hours working with Derek.I knew that a kingdom full of werewolves was not easy, but I was simply exhausted. "I am tired" I states and Derek chuckles, "My King I couldn't agree more" he says.

 "So, how are you and Miranda?" I ask curious about his relationship with my mates best friend. "Good. Miranda is worried about Sam, you know. She explained to me why Sam can't let herself trust you. Something about her aunt, I am sorry man. But you have to give her time" he says as a good best friend. "Thank you Derek" I say and close my eyes for a bit. A second later Derek says full of surprise, "She is awake" , my eyes open up wide and I stare at him confusingly.

"Who?" I ask.

"Miranda says Sam is awake"....


Dedicated to QueenKat159 for all of her support and nice comments!!! 



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