Chapter 22

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I didn't really know what to do.

I was feeling sad and desperate, but I knew that I had to put those feelings aside and focus on my mate. Cole didn’t know where his brother was, and I was pretty much convinced it was driving him insane. He loved his brother very much, I could see it.  He was currently sitting on the edge of the bed. Miranda and Derek were gone, I don’t know where, I think they told me, but I didn’t pay attention. My mind was focused only on Cole. 

For once I didn’t know what to do, how to help him. “Cole, talk to me” I begged him while standing between his legs. He raised his head slowly, his hand cupped my cheek. “I love you” he said simply. I smiled sweetly at him and placed my hand over his which was cupping my cheek. “I know, I love you too” I replied and leaned over to his hand. He smiled and leaned in to place a sweet gentle kiss over my lips, “I want you to be safe” he said, mostly to himself. I kept smiling at him, “Cole. I will be, I promise. You don’t have to worry about me, let’s focus on finding your brother” I said. He shook his head, a tone of sadness appeared on his eyes and voice “I have no idea where he is” he said, I sighed and decided to be a good mate, so I stood up and took a hold on both of his hands. 

“I will help you find him. Come on” I said and we made our way to his office. I didn’t exactly know how to help, I suggested sending some soldiers to look for him, but Cole had already done it. We were now thinking and seeking all the places he could have gone. Cole informed me a few minutes ago that the soldiers he had sent to search for his brother were looking around the palace grounds. “I find it impossible for him to be around here, he must have gone far” I thought out loud. Cole shook his head, “Every time we had a huge problem and he needed time to think he always hid around the palace grounds. I believe he has small sanctuaries around here” he thought back.

I was thinking about Michelle and the horrible death that had found her, and as my heart clenched the sky released his tears with a bang. I got up, startled, from my seat on one of Cole’s couches. He came next to me and placed me on his lap, hiding his face in my hair sniffing me. The storm that startled the entire kingdom, no doubt, couldn’t be normal. Something unique was in the air, but I couldn’t place what. Suddenly a mourning howl of a wolf sounded in the air, Cole and I didn’t move, we already knew who it was. We already knew why the wolf was howling. A tear left my right eye, but I wanted it to fall, it symbolized my sorrow for Michelle and Aiden. 

3 weeks later

Aiden was still missing and even though I knew Cole was depressed, he didn’t let his sadness be known. He soon returned to his professional ways, like a King should. In a few days I would be announced Queen of the kingdom. I am afraid and unsure, but I couldn’t show it, I shouldn’t actually. What kind of a Queen shows her weakness. You are probably wondering how I can be announced as Queen, now that threat stands upon our head. It’s Derek and Cole’s plan. They explained me that if the people knew about me they would do anything to protect me, I was their head Luna after all. Thousands of packs would fight by our side if they knew that their Queen Luna is in danger. 

A week ago we had Michelle’s funeral. All the servants were there, actually the entire kingdom, at least the people who knew her. It was devastating, teary faces were everywhere and you could hear nothing but crying. A white rose, one of Michelle’s favorites traveled through the air and into the coffin. It was Aiden’s; we knew that because only a mate could make a rose or any other flower travel through the wind for his mate. 

Miranda and I were now sitting with Jack in the front garden. “I didn’t know he was her mate” Miranda said, we were talking about Michelle, determined not to forget her. “I am sorry I didn’t tell you” I told her, “Why wasn’t he with her?” she asked, “She was a servant” said Jack. “Let’s change the subject” he offered and I agreed. “You are about to become Queen” he said excitedly, Miranda squealed next to me. I just shook my head, “I know” I said quite annoyed. They both eyed me up and down. “Okay, let me talk to you. First, this is not the right time. Second, I know nothing about how to act like a Queen and third…..didn’t the two first cover you?” I asked them and closed my eyes for a moment. “You just need your time” Miranda said. I heard someone coming closer from behind us, I turned and squealed loudly. My parents had arrived!

“Mom! Dad!” I said loud, making sure the entire kingdom heard me. “Hello dear” said mom and took me into her arms, dad was next, “Hello, my little girl” he said and kissed my forehead when he was done hugging me. “You are here!” I said, they both nodded “You are to be the crowned Queen, my girl. Of course we’ll be here!” he said while taking a seat next to mine, pulling mom on  his laps.

My parents were informed about my life’s recent events over the phone. Though they weren’t happy about the way I told them about me being the Kings mate, they were happy about me. I don’t know if they are aware of the Black Mooners, Cole and I decided to keep it for us for a while. I wanted to call the crowning ceremony off, but Cole said that people must know me. 

 “When are you starting your training?” Mom asked looking interested, I shrugged, Cole told me that him mother was going to train me.

I didn’t know how to feel about it, the former Queen was going to train me to take her part when I was the reason her mate was dead. Well, part of the reason. Out of no where the Queen came out, she rarely got out of her rooms now that she her King was dead. “Samantha” she summoned me, everyone bowed at her while I run to her. “It is time for your training, follow me” she said and started walking. 

 I followed her inside the palace and into the grand living room, “Take a seat” she told me and showed me a seat next to the head chair. Pair of forks, spoons, and glasses was laid in front of me.

 “Let’s begin!”


 I am not really satisfied with this chapter, but I wanted to give you a "treat" since you have been waiting for so long. Hopefully next chapter will be better.

Thank you for your time.

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