Chapter 5

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Samantha's POV 

Lady Svetlana looked at me and Cole for several minutes. "I see you are having fun" she said,"I guess she is another toy of yours" she said right in front of me and left. My heart ached and my wolf howled with what we had just learnt. Our mate isn't pure, other girls have enjoyed his body obviously. 

At that moment I saw Coles eyes turn to black from anger. "I want to go to my room" I said like nothing happened. I am strong, I whispered to myself, I will not let him bring me down. "Don't listen -" he started saving himself, but then Jake came to view.

I knew Cole has felt his presence, but he didn't make a move so I stayed stuck against the wall.  

"Is everything alright? " he asked,"I don't feel well. Will you take me to my room?" I asked him.When the words left my mouth a loud growl erupted from Cole s chest. "You are not going anywhere with him!" he said. I didn't know what to do, my mother told me once that for royals, their feelings for their mate are stronger.  

"Cole. I want to get some rest " I told him as kindly as I could. His eyes were pleading me not to go with Jake. "I will accompany you " he said in a way he showed me that there was no room for argument. He nodded at Jake who with one last glance at me left the room and then took my hand to lead me up to my room. 

When we reached the door I tried to move away from him,but with no luck."Why do you want to be away from me so much?" he asked, hurt evident in his voice."We-We can't" I whispered, "Why not?You are my mate, I love you what more do you need?" he asked me. I shook my head and wished him goodnight before I got inside my bedroom. 

He loved me? Well, I am sure that's a lie, I refuse to have the same end as my aunt. She too was the mate of a royal. He cheated on her with another royal Lady and he told my aunt that their status was more important. The guy refused his own mate in order to be pure royal. My aunts heart broke and she killed herself.  

When her mate found out about her death nor his wolf or him could take it. He killed himself upon his mates grave. 

I don't want to be like them. He says he loves me,but he has Lady Svetlana the fake blonde who could easily stand by his side. What am I? I am just a wolf with fire. I bet there are thousand wolves like me.

I got undressed and got into bed. The training starts tomorrow and I need to get ready. As I was drifting off to sleep there was a knock on the door and Miranda burst in "Jake told me he saw you with the Prince?"she started, but asked at the same time. I nodded,"Come in, I've got things to tell you", she nodded and came to sit next to me on the bed. "He is my mate" I told her after a long sigh. "I knew it!" she said and clapped her hands. "Wait!Nothing can happen" I said. "Because of your aunt?"she whispered, guessing right away my problem and I nodded. Miranda knew about my aunt, she knew how much that had affected me.  

"What if he really cares about you?" she said. "I-I want to get some rest" I said she nodded and left the room.

Tomorrow will be a long day!

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