Chapter 28

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Samantha's POV

How do you react, when your mother tells you that your father, the person who raised you and chased the boys away, is part of the pack that wants you dead? Can you run? Should you run? What about the others? What about your mother? Do you stay? And for what?

Also, what about your...I guess mother-in-law? The person who gave birth to the man of your dreams and heart, is the person who wants you dead too. The crazy part is you had no idea, it came out of no where and left you standing there.

"Mom, what did you just say?" I ask her again, trying hard to make sense on her words. She sighs and repeats herself, "Your father is one of the Black Mooners".

The same sentence goes around my head. Again and again and again. "No, you are lying" I say suddenly feeling nauseous. "Sweetheart, listen to me. You have to keep your fire up and get inside. This is important" she speaks with her motherly tone. The one tone I always felt safe with.

A part of me takes charge of the fire wall, keeping it up and steady so no one can come in. Another part of me obeys my mother, even though my queen kind nature says otherwise, and let her lead me into the kitchen.

I hear my mother telling everyone to stay indoors and keep the children safe. She leads me to the kitchen and puts me down on one of the chairs. The shock is still great and painful on my shoulders.

"Tell me everything" I say, surprising her and myself.

"Your father comes from their pack. I met him when he came to our territory, claiming he was a rogue and that he wanted a place to stay. Our Alpha let him and I met him and mated with him. Some time later he told me the whole truth. He knew about the prophecy, actually a prophecy was made for him as well. That he will give life to the abomination" she says while sniffing, trying to keep her eyes dry but failing.

"I didn't know what to do. I was familiar with the name of the pack, they were supposed to be extinct, but I guess I was wrong. I never paid much attention, to be true I completely forgot about it until you were born. When we realized you were Special, I was terrified, but he showed me he was changed. That he loved you and wanted you safe not dead, he is your father after all."  Mom's voice was breaking little by little.

"When we came here, I saw him talking to Elder Elizabeth. In the beginning I was utterly jealous, after all she is an amazing woman. I thought she had her paws on my husband. How wrong was I? She, too, is from that pack. Your father told me a few days ago, I asked him if she was like him. If she didn't believe what her previous pack did. He didn't reply, I should have known then, but my wolf was not believing it. She was refusing to believe that her beloved mate.. wanted their pup dead.My human part didn't know what to think, the evidence were all there, but I was too blind. Too ignorant. When we found out you were pregnant, I was both happy and scared. Now that another King was in line, what would they do?".

 After a moment it was like she was telling the story to herself.

"You know, I kept asking myself if they ever loved their mates and their family. They both knew that their heirs were the ones they must kill, was that their plan? Have their pups and then kill them? That is unheard of. You must know Sammy, the greatest love a werewolf has, is not her mate. Is the love about its pup. A mother protects her pup no matter what. I am sure that Elder Elizabeth prefers you dead, rather than her own son. It's just the way it is. You will see it, when your baby is born. Another bond, stronger, will form between you two and I wish you both live to feel it" he whispered the last part.

"Did he ever loved me?" I asked her, the desperation clear in my voice. She nodded, "A part of his loves you more than anything. But he was raised with the belief you are not to live. For years before you were born and after I found out about the prophecy, I tried to change his mind. Make him quit whatever they told him, but it was a lost cause in the end.

Now, listen carefully. My wolf hurts for the betrayal of her mate, but our pup is more important than our own life. I am going to help you keep them away from here... Even if that means I have to die or kill them" she said.

I wiped a tear that had managed to escape from my eyes. "The people outside heard the story, they will fight with us" she whispered.

I nodded and took a deep, much needed, breath. I got off the chair I was sitting and headed for the door. I could see the shadows outside the wall, they were throwing water and stones against us. I didn't know what to do, so I let my wolfy part take over.

Mate. Traitor. Father... Your Mother.

Those words travelled from my mind to Cole's, informing him of the situation. Our private mind link opened and I felt the feeling of betrayal running stronger through me.

Eliminate threat. Protect pup. Protect family. Protect mate. Protect. Protect. Protect...... I love you.

Cole's wolf knew what we should do, but the last part came from both of them. They loved us, no matter what.

From within me I found my secret and safe place, I opened my eyes and I instantly knew they were red like fire. I raised my palm, throwing the fire against them. Burning them alive.

The screamed and screamed. I could feel my mother crying, feeling half, but I also felt her giving me strength. Telling me to do what I had to, to protect my family.

Like she did with hers.

Cole's POV




Three words that explain perfectly my state.

After seeing Aiden in action I knew why my father wanted him trained, smart and loyal. He was powerful, probably more powerful than everyone else.

"Did you joined them only for your mate?" I ask him in the middle of the silence, he looked at me and shook his head. "For many reasons, but my mate was the final drop of water. I am sorry brother" he said.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

I turned to see Jack claping with an annoying smirk on his pathetic face. "What a touching moment. Two brothers, finally finding peace with themselves. I am touched, really. I am terribly sorry for not being able to let that wonderful moment take her way, but you see, I have thing to do. People to kill. Revenge to take. Surely, Aiden would know how that feel like" he said without replacing his smirk.

"I can let you live Jack" I told him. He burst into hysterical laughter, "No, no no no. I don't think so, please don't go around telling people that is awful for a King like yourself" he says to me.

I growl, my wolf not liking the direspect, that lame young Alpha was showing to us.

"Jack, be careful" Svetlana told him from behind. That's when it hit me, I would take Svetlana by my side.

"Lady Svetlana. Is this approppriate for a Lady like yourself?" I ask her, she shakes her blond head. "I am no Lady anymore. Or did you forget?" she spats. "I know, as I know I can give your title back to you and your family" I say to her keeping the eye connection. Jack get in front of her blcking my view of her and starts growling.

"Don't address my mate" he growls.

"Are you jealous Jack? Jealous of what I took from you? Samantha? Or Svetlana? The fact that they both crave me" I whisper to him trying to make him out of his mind. He growls and attacks me, but he stops mid air, as water surround him out of no where.

We all turn to see Miranda standing at the door, Derek and the others around her, as she looks at Jack. Her eyes are blue, like the sea's color and gently she drowns Jack. Svetlana is screaming at her to stop, for a minute she looks at me, asking permission. I nodd and the water surrounds Svetlana as well.

That was it.

 They are both dead.

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